In a new video for Heads Together, the charity campaign set up by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry, actress, model, and i-D cover star Adwoa Aboah opens up about her past struggles with depression. Sitting down in her west London family home, with her mother Camilla Lowther, founder of CLM, one of the most successful creative agencies in fashion, Adwoa reflects on the darkest period of her life.
Recalling a time when Adwoa had come back from Glastonbury, her mother describes how exhausted her eldest daughter looked. “I just thought you had a problem with drugs,” Camilla says. “I didn’t really think it was anything else until you tried to kill yourself.” It was after this suicide attempt that Adwoa really began to turn things around, setting up her own mental health initiative, Gurls Talk, in 2015. “It was so dark and scary and horrible,” she tells her mother. “I did everything that everyone told me to. I went to meetings and I talked, and talked. That’s all I ever did. Now I’m here and I’m happy and my life has changed.” Watch the full interview below.
Read: Adwoa Aboah is getting girls talking about mental health.
Text Tish Weinstock