Since, well, forever, old, white, and probably fully clothed dudes have been painting young, white and definitely naked girls.
Enter artist Vanessa Omoregie, who’s wrenched the paintbrush from the hands of those male gazers, replaced it with her own selfie stick, and invited girls from all over the world to do the same. Titled CAMGIRLS, the collaborative art project superimposes self-lensed shots over traditional nudes, subverting and reclaiming the role of female subject. Choosing who, why, and where they snap themselves, these modern muses put themselves centre stage – all the while sticking their tongue (and tits) out at the guys relegated to the background. “I wanted to take the project away from the internet space for a second,” says Vanessa, “to give some room for thought as well as to give a home to the amazing submissions and conversations that made up the project for three years. It’s kind of a nostalgic piece.”
So it’s only fitting that she’s aligned the launch of both her second zine and new website with International Women’s Day on Wednesday 8 March. Better yet, she’s throwing a party for it – because she is brilliant and women are amazing and we should be celebrating it all. Kicking off at The Alibi from 9pm, you can get your hands on CAMGIRLS 2.0 and Polyester Zine, and your hair under some hats from the Beanie Babes Club. Profits will be going to the National Ugly Mugs, a charity that provides greater access to justice and protection for sex workers. Because as Vanessa so succinctly put it, “sex work is work and sex workers are human beings who deserve human rights.”
Amen. See you there. BYO selfie stick.

Text Georgie Wright