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    Now reading: See Celina Ralph’s full cover story from The Earthrise Issue


    See Celina Ralph’s full cover story from The Earthrise Issue

    With no new clothes in the fashion section of our latest issue, Zoë Ghertner and Camilla Nickerson shoot Celina in recycled, upcycled and D.I.Y. designs.


    This story originally appeared in i-D’s The Earthrise Issue, no. 368, Summer 2022. Order your copy here.

    Naked intertwined bodies in the Zoë Ghertner story in i-D 368 Earthrise Issue
    Celina Ralph in the Zoë Ghertner story in i-D 368 Earthrise Issue
    Legs in a net in the Zoë Ghertner story in i-D 368 Earthrise Issue
    model in underwear with a string belt in the Zoë Ghertner story in i-D 368 Earthrise Issue
    Celina Ralph with blue paint on cardigan in the Zoë Ghertner story in i-D 368 Earthrise Issue
    Celina Ralph wearing a sack and paper mache dress in the Zoë Ghertner story in i-D 368 Earthrise Issue
    Celina Ralph wearing a burnt crop top in the Zoë Ghertner story in i-D 368 Earthrise Issue
    a baby being breast fed in the Zoë Ghertner story in i-D 368 Earthrise Issue
    Celina Ralph wearing a singed corset top in the Zoë Ghertner story in i-D 368 Earthrise Issue
    Celina Ralph with green paint on her dress in the Zoë Ghertner story in i-D 368 Earthrise Issue
    Celina Ralph on the cover of i-D 368 Earthrise Issue

    Follow i-D on Instagram and TikTok for more fashion.


    Photography Zoë Ghertner
    Fashion Camilla Nickerson
    Set design Spencer Vrooman
    Photography assistance Barney Couch and Milan Aguirre
    Fashion assistance Joséphine Dorval and Ruby Bravo
    Set design assistance Jack Paradise and Thomas Anderson
    Production Connect the Dots Inc
    Casting director (Celina Ralph) Samuel Ellis Scheinman for DMCASTING
    Models Celina Ralph at The Society, Matilde Riccardi, Acqua Auroux, Taliha Abdiel and Jobel Medina
