Ever since she burst on the fashion scene as a bright eyed, bushy-tailed, bee-stung-lipped 15-year-old, Lindsey Wixson’s beauty has been mesmerizing. Now a relative veteran at the modeling business at the ripe young age of 22, Lindsey, as enchanting as ever, is now an icon of the business.
So have you ever wanted to know what goes on behind the scenes of one of the most beautiful women in the world? A new photozine, A Year in a Day, documents Lindsey’s year-long relationship with photographer Dylan Forsberg. Shot between NYC and her hometown in Kansas, the zine captures Lindsey off guard at home, in bed, sunbathing by the lake and hanging out at home in her lingerie.
As the book gets released, we caught up with Lindsey and Dylan to talk over the year they spent together, and why they turned it into a book.

How did the two of you meet?
Dylan: We met through a mutual friend in NYC. [Lindsey] eventually invited me to go to a museum with her and on our way home, she kept skipping the taxis and subways she was supposed to take so that she could walk with me longer. We eventually made it to the Williamsburg Bridge and she ended up following me all the way home. Once we got there, we spoke until 2 am, me sitting on my bed, and her staying at a safe distance on a chair. She went home and called me the next day to hang out again.
What were your first impressions of each other? How did friendship blossom?
Lindsey: I was instantly attracted to him. I don’t really remember if we were friends or if we just started dating.
Dylan: The first thing that grabbed me was her giant, mesmerizing smile, so large and genuine. She’s very stubborn, but also sweet and naive, and the combination of those things always made me smile as well. The friendship blossomed because she happened to be leaving her way-too-big apartment and needed a place to stay in the transition. Somehow she got a set of my keys within a week of hanging out, and that was that.

Dylan, what was the catalyst for this project? What were you keen to document? There’s ease and a certain candidness to the images. How easy was this to capture?
Dylan: I didn’t initially intend to make an entire magazine of her, but we were together so often and shot so much that I didn’t know what to do with all the images except make an entire magazine. And since we were together so often, rather than staging shoots, I’d just shoot her when the moment struck: in the morning when she’s woken up looking puffy and tired, on the subway when the light and the wind in her hair looked majestic, swimming in the lake at her house in Kansas, packing up her old apartment jokingly wearing lingerie… and for some reason I always thought it was interesting when she put her face masks on, I guess because as a man I wasn’t used to seeing that. It all just came about naturally, and so the photos carry that look.
Lindsey, what were your thoughts on the project? You’re no doubt comfortable with being in front of a lens but this is a different portrayal, a more honest insight into your world. How at ease were you throughout this project?
Lindsey: We would just take pictures. Dylan would always complain of the subjects in his photos being self absorbed and too conscious of being photographed. He digs into your soul and finds the essence. That is his magic. I was a bit nervous to show such a vulnerable side. It grew on me and I agreed to disagree in hopes of showing his talent.

Looking back of the project, what are your standout memories? Was there anything that surprised you?
Dylan: For me, our entire time together was somewhat hypnotic, and that’s why the magazine is laid out as it is. I felt drawn toward her, infatuated, and confused. She pulled me out of my comfort zone and made me act in ways I couldn’t explain to myself or friends. It all felt so fast, and the year went by like a single day. So I thought the best way to express our time together would be as one long day, from beginning to end, though the photos were taken across different states and countries.
Lindsey: The honesty was there.
What do you both hope people take away from this?
Dylan: I’ve always enjoyed sharing the natural side of beauty in small fleeting moments. For example, I think a girl is most attractive when she’s a bit sick and her face is bloated with her voice cracking. The vulnerability seems sweet and sincere to me. I want people to see this girl, who is usually so done up and perfect in the magazines, as she really is day to day, and to see that she’s beautiful without all that make-up and lighting.
Lindsey: I hope it will open minds and break barriers between fashion and art.

Lindsey, across your social media accounts, we’ve seen you stand up for the issues that concern you, from the fallout around the election to Standing Rock. Why is using your platform important to you?
Lindsey: Information is gold today. Spread the wealth.
What are your hopes and dreams for the New Year? What are your resolutions for 2017?
Dylan: To be honest, I’m just hoping to revive a bit of passion in my life. For so long everything I did had so much meaning to me. I’d have fights over how my work was presented and even lose jobs over it. And then finally, just as I get into the position where people trust my vision and give me more control, I suddenly lose interest. The things I fought for early on seem to be coming to fruition through a change in the combined consciousness of the people. Magazines have become more natural, film photography is having a resurgence… I guess I just need to find something new to fight for, something to wake me up and make me fall in love again.
Lindsey: Hone in on what I really want to do in the world outside of the fashion world.

Text Felix Petty
Photography Dylan Forsberg