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    Now reading: first look: blondey mccoy drops new line of thames boards for palace


    first look: blondey mccoy drops new line of thames boards for palace

    The South Bank skater adds to his Thames collection with a triptych of decks.


    Due to drop tomorrow morning, Blondey McCoy has designed a triptych of boards, ripe and ready for ramps, rails and roads. On the front, Blondey has plastered a mixture of illustrated breasts and bums — on the flip, he has splattered £10, £20 and £50 notes.

    “Ever since I can remember, I have always wanted to be a skateboarder. As a child, the only thing that would excite me as much as naked ladies was the marvel that was the board wall at Slam City Skates. So with that in mind… this artist series was only a matter of time,” says Blondey of the design, which is available at both Palace and Slam City Skates.

    “Swapping school for self-imposed exile in Slam introduced me to commercial artwork. Everything is very graphic… without pretension. Skateboard artwork was for the most part, in the spirit of skateboarding, a bit of an unintentional ‘fuck you’ to any conventionally trained artist and ‘I love it and that’s all that matters’ way of thinking.” Well, we love Blondey’s way of thinking.

    Available from Thames. Palace Skateboards online and in-store and Slam City Skates online, from Friday at 11 am. 


    Text Hattie Collins
    Photography Alasdair McLellan
