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    Now reading: i-DJ: dadras


    i-DJ: dadras

    Let the NYC producer take you on a Fantasia-worthy trip.


    After discovering a love of secret silent beatboxing in kindergarten, DADRAS knew he was supposed to make music. The Queens-based producer has previously made beats for A$AP Rocky, Show Me the Body, and Ratking, but you haven’t heard anything until you’ve checked out his solo experimental dancehall mixed with Eastern strings. It’ll have you dreaming up sci-fi scenes in your head. His latest release, Nature Boy EP, came out via UNO and features heavily in the mix he made us, alongside some of his edits, tracks from Clams Casino and Sampha, and, um, an excerpt from Elephant Man. The selection is serious, the mix intense, and the time to hit play is now.

    Hello DADRAS! How and why did you start making music?
    In kindergarten I developed a technique of sloshing spit around in my mouth to make beats. I had a kick and a snare and a rim shot sound. It was sort of like beat boxing but I was the only one that could hear it.

    What was the first album you ever bought?
    I think Blink 182’s Dude Ranch.

    What would your dream rider consist of?
    A big platter of spicy chicken pad Thai with lime, a keg of Bell’s Two Hearted ale, and a large bag of strawberry weed suckers.

    Which three tracks are essential to your sets?
    “Yuppie Scum,” “Polygraph,” Nature Boy.”

    What film do you think your discography would best soundtrack?

    Your house is on fire. After loved ones, what do you save?
    My Octave CAT synthesizer.

    If you could wake up tomorrow having gained a new ability, what would it be?
    The ability to climb trees effortlessly.

    What is your greatest ambition?
    Finishing this interview.


    Text Frankie Dunn
