Gig of the week: Wolfgang Tillmans at the Tate South Tank
Of course. What else could it have been? This Friday, in the Tate Modern’s South Tank, the inimitable photographer will take his inimitable music to the live stage in London for the first time. The opening night of his 10 day sound and vision of the Tate’s performance spaces, but the undisputed highlight.
Music Video of the Week: PWR BTTM
Our fave weirdo post-grunge-pop-punk-queers’ new video is indisputably wonderful. It makes me feel 14 again, if I was a sexually progressive culturally radical 14-year-old, which I wasn’t. I was sad and depressed and worryingly into the Manic Street Preachers.

Selfie of the week: Yayoi Kusama
Some absolute bozo at the Yayoi Kusama exhibition in Washington DC has broken a pumpkin whilst trying to take a selfie. Drain the swamp of the #artselfie brigade. We didn’t have these problems when art was restricted to the happy few. More proof that democracy doesn’t work.
What we’re looking forward to this week: Ai Weiwei film
Finally finally finally, Ai Weiwei’s film about the refugee crisis is hitting our screens, due for a late summer release. He’s visited 22 countries around the world to make the documentary, and it will cap a series of works over the last few years, from the critically acclaimed (his recent exhibition in New York) to the controversial (posing like dead toddler Alan Kurdi). Let’s hope it’s the former.

Exhibition of the week: Double Take at Skarstedt
A really beauty of an exhibition this, featuring the massive talents of Roe Ethridge, Barbara Kruger, Richard Prince, Collier Schorr, and more more more. All dedicated to exploring post-modernist photography, re-appropriation, reframing, re-staging. Which is a bit of a theme in the art world; all of the Whitney, the Zabludowicz and MoMA are currently staging exhibitions on similar subjects at the moment.
Humanitarian of the week: Rihanna
Bad girl goes good! The singer got to work work work work work and brought love to many hopeless places as well as many other puns I’m sure. But, this week, RiRi picked up a great big shiny gong for being the Humanitarian of the Year at Harvard. Awarded for a whole load of charity work, from funding breast cancer clinics in Barbados, to scholarships to get Caribbean students access to US education, and helping young girls get access to education in developing. <3
Yeast culture of the week: Train Bagel Fight
Ladies and gentleman, welcome to Brexit Britain. A finer of example of the finer points of Britain’s cultural make-up you will not find this week. Or even next week. But you might find it the week after when Boris Johnson gets attacked by an Orangutan at London Zoo whilst promoting Britain’s burgeoning trade with Sumatra.

Bullshit art of the week: That French guy who is living inside a rock filled with shit for a week
An artist in France has entombed himself in a rock filled with shit for a week. There is maybe a satirical joke about contemporary art we could insert here. You can work it for yourselves.
Text Felix Petty