In three short seasons Sebastien Meyer and Arnaud Vaillant have rebirthed Courreges, reimagined the brand’s space age legacy and updated its famed, sleek, 60s modernism for the 21st century. Ahead of their autumn/winter 17 show in Paris in March, we thought we’d drop them a line and ask them 20 searching psychological questions to find out what makes them tick.

What did you want to be when you were growing up?
Sebastien: A magician.
Arnaud: A surgeon.
Do you keep a diary?
Sebastien: My iPhone is my diary.
Arnaud: Instagram is mine.
What’s the last dream that you can remember having?
Sebastien: Too complicated.
Arnaud: Being in Sense8 gang bang.
What would you most like to change about the world?
Sebastien: Everything about fashion. The way we create, produce, sell and consume clothes.
What would you most like to change about yourself?
Sebastien: Be even more courageous.
Arnaud: My indecision.
Have you ever pretended to be someone else in the mirror?
Arnaud: Never!
When was the last time you had an argument?
Arnaud: This morning when Sébastien didn’t want to wake up! He hates the morning.
Do you meditate?
Sebastien: We should!
What would you look like if you were an alien?
Arnaud: Melania and Donald Trump.
What did you do on your last day off?
Sebastien: Celebrated New Year’s!
What’s your greatest ambition?
Sebastien: To improve the world we live in.
Do you have any phobias?
Arnaud: Interviews.
Who do you most admire?
Sebastien: Arnaud Vaillant.
Arnaud: Elon Musk.
What do you talk about when you get your hair cut?
Sebastien: Gossips.
What do you think happens when you die?
Sebastien: I hope a new beginning.
Arnaud: Just the end, nothing special, I’m not really afraid about death.
What would you like to be reincarnated as?
Sebastien: An astronaut.
Arnaud: A bird.
If you could do anything without fear of repercussion, what would you do?
Arnaud: Go to Mars!
If you could ask anyone a question, who would you ask, and what?
Sebastien: Arnaud, would you marry me?
Describe yourself in four words.
Sebastien: Impossible.
Arnaud: Optimistic, social, ambitious, faithful.
Have you lied at any point during this interview?
Sebastien: All questions except question 18 😉