London’s top emerging designer showcase, Lulu Kennedy’s Fashion East, have announced the four designers showing during London Fashion Week autumn/winter 17, in the Topshop show space in The Tanks at Tate Modern. Matty Bovan returns for a second season, joined by Mimi Wade, who has shown twice previously with a static presentation, and two newcomers, RCA grad Supriya Lele (Supriya) and CSM grad A Sai Ta (ASAI).
“Our lineup this season is super diverse and brimming with ideas and passion, which now more than ever feels vital for us to champion in London,” Lulu Kennedy notes, adding that, “For Fashion East to be showing in The Tanks at Tate Modern is epic, thrilling and a true privilege — testament to the fantastic support our project continues to receive from Topshop”.
Read: Behind the backstage magic of fashion east spring/summer 17.

i-D asked each of the four designers what we can expect from their next collection. He of the hand-printed, rope-knotted, glitter mesh creations, Matty Bovan says, “I’m really excited to be showing with Fashion East again. I’m developing my use of textiles and pushing this further than last season, juxtaposing these together to gain something that excites me as a designer. The energy is still there, but it’s just changing / shifting emotionally, as I’m trying to make sense of the world around me, which feels incredibly volatile currently.” Mimi Wade keeps it succinct, promising, “Cosy boudoir glamour meets your old school uniform”.
Supriya says, “This season is inspired by my Indian heritage — with a lo-fi approach to luxury. Plastics, gaffer tape, and printed elements amongst a floral palette add a modern and fresh twist”. And fellow newcomer ASAI clues us in: “ASAI TA — ASAI TakeAway. This season is about taking ASAI away with you, the spice and vibes; as well as signifying ‘take away’ as the stereotypical Chinese-ness in the western culture. ASAI is Asia spelt wrong, so it’s about process and the mishaps on the production line”.

Text Charlotte Gush