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    Now reading: meet jack powers, the performance artist who stole the show at london fashion week men’s


    meet jack powers, the performance artist who stole the show at london fashion week men’s

    The New York-born, London-based poet, dancer, musician, and designer shares a slice of his life after wowing crowds at Charles Jeffrey and Art School shows during Fashion Week.


    Born and raised in a tiny apartment in downtown Manhattan, Jack Powers spent his formative years running through the city’s concrete canyons searching for something he couldn’t quite place his finger on. With his sights set on becoming a performance artist, he enrolled at LaGuardia High School for Music & Art and the Performing Arts, where he divided his time between the drama room and the dean’s office. A jack of all trades, he currently spends his days hopping between both sides of the pond, honing his various crafts which include, but are not limited to: music (he’s released his first track, “Intensified Mental Power”), fashion design (he’s half-way through his BA at CSM), and what Jack likes to call Spoken Disco Drama (he’s just published a series of nine spoken word poems titled Metamorphosis). 

    But the talent he’s truly master of is, of course, dancing. Jack captured the entire fashion world’s attention when he shimmied and shaked all over the place during both Art School and Charles Jeffrey‘s shows. “Who is this magical creature who moves so gracefully?” they cried. Well, it’s simple: Jack Powers. And here are 10 things you need to know about him.

    1. He marches to the funked up beat of his own drum: “I’ve always had a lot to express but never found any place or method to let it loose. Then, behold, I came to London and was inspired by the ‘be-who-you-want-to-be-ness’ of the underground queer scene. I thought ‘fuck it, I’m gonna invent my own thing.'”

    2. Speaking of drums, he’s always had a thing for percussion: “Growing up, my role models were the subway buskers I passed everyday at the Union Square Station who fabulously turned plastic barrels into percussions and made my hips move.”

    3. His first big moment was in his friend’s back garden: “I gave my first solo performance at a group art show called Bartholomew Street in my friend’s backyard. It was then that I really sank my teeth into who I am.”

    4. He meets most of his friends on the dance floor, and consolidates that friendship on the catwalk: “Charles Jeffrey and Jack Appleyard at Loverboy, and Tom Barratt and Eden Loweth at Art School are all friends of mine whom I met on the dance floors of East London. Both teams asked me to perform in their shows, and it felt gloriously natural and fun to collaborate with them. Luckily enough, both shows were directed by the Theo Adams Company, who were amazing and let me bring so much of myself to the performances. It was all magical.”

    5. These are a few of his favorite things: Baroque painting, David Bowie, Greek mythology, queer culture, and that look in a person’s eye when they surrender all the bullshit and are finally pure.”

    6. Friends describe him as: “A range from naughty to nice, depending on who you ask.”

    7. While he describes himself as: “One big fat contradiction.”

    8. Aside from that, he stands for: “Love, unity, peace, and the bassline.”

    9. If he could come back from the afterlife as something else, he’d like to be reincarnated as: “Any kind of bird, because you bet I’m jealous of those wings.”

    10. He’s got some pretty big dreams for the future: “I want to fully realize my creative visions and give my parents a luxurious retirement, and to get on stage as much as possible.”


    Text Tish Weinstock
    Photography courtesy Jack Powers
