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    Now reading: new genuary: introducing dougal macarthur


    new genuary: introducing dougal macarthur

    Another year, another fresh batch of exciting young talent. Throughout the month of January we will be introducing the photographers set to define 2017. Capturing the world around them and interpreting it through the prism of their own experiences…


    Dougal MacArthur, 21

    Tell us a bit about yourself and where you grew up.
    I’ve lived in London my whole life. I am half Canadian and half Scottish. I take photos, and love to cook.

    How did you get into photography?
    I’ve always been into art and pictures, but it was an old friend of my parents that really got me into taking my own photographs by bringing me on shoots to play music when he was in London. Every time, I got more and more into the photography side of it.

    What is it about the medium that appeals to you most?
    I like that through the act of photographing something, it immediately attaches importance to it. It’s like a window into a world in a more transparent way than something like painting or drawing.

    How and where did you learn your craft?
    Through assisting.

    Is a degree necessary to pursue a career in photography?
    I don’t think so.

    Who or what inspires you?
    Loads of artists, friends, music, and a lot of movies.

    How would you describe your overall aesthetic?
    I’m interested in presenting my take on youth and the sort of honest, offbeat aspects of it. But I’m still experimenting a lot and just do pictures that feel natural to me.

    What’s been your career highlight so far?
    Doing pictures of my friend for my first work in print.

    What are you working on right now?
    Just random pictures of friends really, and am trying to write a film, slowly…

    What do you stand for?
    Old people on the tube.

    What are your hopes and dreams for the future?
    To be able to make work that I love, have a house by a lake or the beach, and grow a little taller.

    Explore: Take a look at the talented, up-and-coming photographers we’ve been spotlighting all month.


    Photography Dougal Macarthur
