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    Now reading: nico young’s year in photos


    nico young’s year in photos

    The most exciting photographers of 2016 share glimpses of their year in images.


    This was on the morning of January 1, 2016. My friends and I hiked up the Pacific Palisades to watch the first sunrise of the year.

    I went on a whale watching field trip with my Marine Biology class in April. I didn’t believe we’d actually see whales, but we did. We saw so many. Dolphins, too. Such a great day.

    This year I noticed myself pass the median age at the Skate Park. It took me a while to notice, age isn’t such a divisive factor there. I took this photo of Mingus, 12, while we were hanging out at the park after it closed. I’ve watched him grow up so much in the last year, surrounded by all these older kids.

    This was the first time I had experienced a real fire evacuation at school. Somebody set the toilet paper dispenser in the boys bathroom on fire during third period. The firemen put it out pretty quickly, and not much damage was caused in the end. But we spent fourth period waiting around outside.

    This photo ran as the cover of the New York Times Magazine in September, the culmination of my five-month photo assignment with them. It really changed everything for me. I didn’t find out my photo essay had made the cover until a week before print. They chose this photo, which I took in my second week of the assignment. These are my friends Cooper and Tristan, on a friday afternoon at Stoner Skate Park, acting up for the camera.

    I took this while on assignment for the NYT Mag. This was right after the graduation ceremony ended, when everyone was trying to find each other. I love the diversity captured here, especially the lady in the wheelchair.

    I went to Seattle with my dad for a few days over the summer and I spent a lot of time walking around the city by myself. I took this photo with my phone by the International Fountain at the Seattle Center. This family had the Summer Olympics playing on a laptop. Such a tender moment, with the baby and the boys asleep.

    This is my friend Gianni, in August. He’s one of the best friends I made this year. I took this in Vista Hermosa Park, my favorite park in LA. We had been skating around all day. I loved the way the sun was hitting him here. He glows.

    I shot football practice over the summer, for the NYT Mag. It was the only time during the assignment where I had to go out of my way to shoot, so I didn’t really know what I was getting myself into. It ended up being one of my favorite parts of the assignment. Those guys work so hard!

    My friend Ben and I went on a road trip together over the cummer, from LA to Albuquerque and back. It was our last big hurrah before he went off to college. This was on the first night, in our hotel room in Las Vegas.

    This is Ben in his dorm room at Brown a few months later. I went to visit him one weekend in November.

    This is the fourth in a series of six photos I took on election night. I took my camera out after Trump won Ohio. This photo was taken around midnight just as we were all realizing that Trump would be our next president. We never believed it could happen. I haven’t taken many photos since this.


    Photography Nico Young
