What do you do?
I curate for KUNSTBUNKER ARI, photograph my friends doing silly things, cook myself killer toasted sandwiches, organise events and parties, and hang out with pals mostly.
What are you wearing?
My heart of my sleeve? Oh you’re being serious… jeez ok um, Alpha 60 dress, mesh top from a store in Tokyo, second hand Doc Martens, hoops from a garage sale.
Do you celebrate Christmas?
Yes, I spend christmas eve lunch with my German family at the beach — its a funny mix of German traditions like (highly toxic) lead tinsel and (horrifically mispronounced) German carols, and the heat of an Aussie summer. I’m keen to spend Xmas eve night with my girlfriend this year, away from all the fuss and chaos.
Do you get excited about Christmas?
In a completely secular way yes, I get excited to see all my family together and to eat my mums amazing-as-all-hell food. Also giving people the perfect gift is super satisfying, I get excited for that feeling.
What’s the best present you ever got?
The opportunity to stuff my face until I pass out.
Christmas survival advice?
Enjoy the time with your family and loved ones, you never know when its going to be the last Christmas you have together. Tell everyone you love them. Never say no to seconds. Get horrendously drunk with your cousins and then dress up and sing carols.
Photography Savannah van der Niet p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Helvetica}