From shooting for i-D and Marques’Almeida to holding her own exhibition exploring today’s perception of the black body, young photographer Ronan Mckenzie is making waves in the fashion world. Having grown up in East London’s Walthamstow, Mckenzie creates empowering imagery through documenting the beautiful people around her and promoting diversity throughout. You only have to look as far as the “Girls” section on her website to see how she perfectly captures the female gaze.

I’ve heard that Denmark is really beautiful in summer, but I’ve only ever been there in winter when all we end up doing is walking around for a few hours then falling asleep on the sofa.

I first met Nara in February, she’s got one of the most incredible faces I’ve ever seen and I’m obsessed with this weird milli-second I caught during a blink.

Mom and Marcel dancing in the corridor.

Cassey on the roof of my shed.

The second time I ever used studio lights I still didn’t really know what I was doing. The shutter speed was too fast and I ended up taking photos that made me look like a creep.

Daniel (Kyeem’s dad) brought Kyeem to a shoot I was doing with Jonathan Johnson. They sat like this waiting to be shot. We had to pretty much beg Daniel to get an outfit on, although in this image it looks like it wasn’t his first time modelling.

July was spent road tripping around Portugal, eating too much, being bloated, swimming and repeating.

I took this on a shoot with MARIEYAT and Base Range with 10 girls running around Victoria Park in London playing games.

One of my favorite shots of the year, taken with Dogukan Nesanir, Megumi Matsuno, and Takao Hayashi.

A go see with Esme.

Dressing everyone up in suits and roaming around Dalston with Yeon You.

We cycled 15km out of Siem Reap city centre and saw this kid just chilling on a cow.

The launch of my new publication HARD EARS This is one of my favorite photos from the magazine!
Photography Ronan Mckenzie