Fashion can be a bitch. You know it, I know it, we all know it. The Devil didn’t wear Prada for nothing. Being a regular human being is hard enough, but imagine being a model in an industry that trades off people’s looks, and isn’t afraid to speak its mind when those looks aren’t up to scratch. Models have heard it all, but now they’re starting to speak back. Take for instance Shit Model Management, the anonymous Instagram account set up by a mystery model who felt so disgruntled by the industry that she began to take it apart one meme at a time. The internet’s equivalent to the burn book, it’s funny, pithy, sarcastic and mean, and basically perfect to get you in the mood for fashion month. Here, we spoke to the model behind the meme and asked her to pick some of her favourite creations of all time.
Read: The 2017 Grammy awards, as told through our favourite memes.
What’s the story behind Shit Model Management?
I started Shit Model Management about a year ago, on a day when I was particularly fed up with the industry. I needed a place to vent my frustrations and feelings, and I also wanted other models to be able to let off steam too. I’ve always been obsessed with the internet and so it wasn’t hard to start making memes. I started playing around on Twitter and found some funny pictures, and then made captions for them. I would send them to my mum and my friends and ask if they were funny, and then I’d post them. I think that the name “Shit Model Management” brought a lot of attention and interest to the account, which is why it became so popular so fast.
Why did you set it up?
One of my main goals was to expose the reality of the modelling industry. There is so much unbelievable bullshit that models go through on a daily basis. Yes, there are many perks to the job, but there are also many things that need to change. I’m trying to raise awareness, and if I’m being honest, I’m really trying to make a change in the industry. It’s got to the point where I am embarrassed to be a part of the fashion industry because their beauty standards are so out-dated. Until I see every race, gender, and size on the runway, I will not accept designers’ definition of diversity.
What do you hope to achieve with it?
I hope to open the eyes of casting directors, designers, and agents. As of now, models are treated extremely poorly. Our health is not a priority, and the aesthetic of a fashion show is more important than our mental health and body image. It is not acceptable to pressure a young girl to be unnaturally thin. The potential of a model’s paycheque is no excuse to encourage her to lose an extreme amount of weight.
What are you working on for the future?
I’m planning some very exciting things for SMM in the near future. Let’s just say that I will be a lot more interactive. Did someone say merch? 😉 Who wouldn’t want to wear a Shit Model Mgmt shirt to the agency as a quiet protest. More info will come soon!

1. Will flash 4 cash.

2. Team baby face.

3. *Spins wheel* whose career shall I compare myself to today?

4. Did you really have to tell our waiter..?

5. Coco Rocha am I doing it right?

6. Wow just worked off all of that Joe’s Pizza in five minutes!


8. Maybe my 5th grade T-shirt looks like Vetements.

9. Let me just shave my hipbones down real quick.

10. Just because your Size Two European models have a buzzcut doesn’t mean you’re incorporating diversity lmao.
Text Tish Weinstock
Images via Instagram