Thomas Von Party and Dreems are the dynamic duo behind international label Multi Culti. It was back in 2013 that Montreal’s Von Party (who is also A&R for his brother Tiga’s Turbo Records and recently revealed that his name should be pronounced FUN PARTY – ideally in a German accent) teamed up with the Sydney producer and self-proclaimed Cosmic Sherpa known as Dreems. Proud of their roster of artists making “pan-globo-sexual soulstyle”, the twosome are purveyors of music to dance to, music to trip to, and music to mediate to.
Serial makers of sleep time soundtracks, we called on them to put together a mix that’ll guide listeners to a peaceful slumber. Featuring music from Brian Eno, Aphex Twin, and the lesser known Dolphins Into The Future, it’s smooth, soothing and we’re planning to fall asleep to it tonight. Treat yourself.
What was the first album you ever bought?
TVP: On vinyl, Adam Ant, Stand and Deliver (mostly because I loved the cover), on cassette it was Billy Idol, Vital Idol.
Dreems: I got both Cypress Hill and The Jimi Hendrix Experience on cassette.
Where do you go when the last record ends and the lights come on?
It depends. Are we hungry? If so, it’s usually back to HQ for a J, snack-attack and some serious/not serious banter.
Do you ever fall asleep to music? If so, what?
A lot of the stuff on this mix. Brian Eno. Jon Hassell. Aphex Twin. Stars Of The Lid. Dolphins Into The Future.
What’s the best dream you’ve ever had?
Dreems: I used to have a recurring dream when I was a kid where I was in a room neck deep in M&Ms.
TVP: That’s hard to top. I’ve had a few amazing flying dreams.
If you could wake up tomorrow having gained a new ability, what would it be?
Dreems: I could fart out M&Ms.
TVP: Just to be the world’s greatest dancer.
Best music to trip to?
TVP: Aphex Twin.
Dreems: Brostep.
Best music to meditate on?
TVP: Probably that Tibetan singing bowl shit. Or Aphex.
Dreems: Brostep, dog.
What is the ultimate Sunday morning record?
TVP: maybe KLF, Chill Out. or Aphex.
Dreems: Connan Mockasin, Caramel. Maybe a little bit of Bro…
What movie do you think your music would best soundtrack?
Dreems: Walkabout.
TVP: I mean, it wouldn’t improve the movie, but maybe Warriors.
Finish the sentence: the music sounds better with…
…an acoustically-treated, temperature and humidity controlled room to enjoy it in while wearing loose fitting clothing on a cocktail of psychedelics, with some nice fragrances in the air, maybe in a hammock or on a beanbag.