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    Now reading: solange surprised fans with 250 books at black-owned store in dc


    solange surprised fans with 250 books at black-owned store in dc

    'We have the power in this room, in this space, and amongst each other,' she told fans at a small bookstore near Howard University before buying up a large chunk of the inventory.


    Solange has been putting her wallet where her mouth is since long before the election of Donald Trump. Last summer she made the decision to switch to a black-owned bank, then stepped up the commitment to community enrichment with Saint Heron’s Black Bag, a directory of New Orleans establishments owned by people of color.

    So while her appearance at a black-owned local bookstore in Washington, D.C. over the weekend wasn’t exactly shocking, it was a nice surprise for the Solange fans who showed up to see her speak at Sankofa Video Books & Café. Not only did they get welcome words of encouragement from the artist behind one of last year’s most important albums, they also got something off her personal reading list. Solange purchased 250 books for the 250 people in attendance.

    “Remember, through the midst of it all, to always look upward and forward,” Solange told the room. “And that we have the power in this room, in this space, and amongst each other. Seeing all you guys here is confirmation. It’s really confirmation for me because I needed to see that and I needed to know that the work we are all doing counts.”

    Solange was in Washington to perform at an alternative inauguration “Peace Ball” the night before Trump was sworn in. “My heart is still full as moons,” she wrote on Instagram after the show. “And thank you to the inimitable teacher… the astounding Angela Davis for introducing me last night. Your words will stay with me forever,” expressing gratitude to the civil rights icon who later delivered a powerful call for 1,459 days of resistance at the Women’s March on Washington.


    Text Hannah Ongley
    Image via Instagram
