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    Now reading: What your November 2022 looked like


    What your November 2022 looked like

    From Botswana to Uzbekistan, here's a snapshot of the world from last month.


    i-D closed out 2020 with My Year in a Photo, a 12-month retrospective that brought in hundreds of incredible submissions from all over the world. We enjoyed it so much that from now on, we’ll be running it as a regular feature. At the end of each month, we’ll open our inbox to photographs from anyone and everyone — just email photography@i-d.co

    Once again we received even more submissions than the month before, making the process of editing this story even harder. For anyone whose images did not make the cut, please do keep sending us your photography, as we’ve been overwhelmed by the quality of the submissions and want to keep sharing as much of it as possible.

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    Borja Del Rio, 20, Mexico City, Mexico

    “Daughter joining the family inside for a photo. Family time, Malibu, CA.” @borjadelrio

    a peanut collector in uzbekistan bathed in light looks at the crops being crammed into the boot of a car

    Kamila Rustambekova, 24, Uzbekistan

    “Sunset comes and the seasonal workers who collect peanuts gather and go home.” @kamilarustambekova

    a group of friends in a room lit dimly by two side table lamps, from left to right scrolling on their phone, looking over his friend's shoulder and a couple embracing

    Jeric Acuña, 22, Barcelona, Spain

    “This photo was taken on a Sunday a couple of weeks ago in my friend’s home. It was the only room where the heater was working, so we just spent the afternoon there, listening to music and playing around.” @jericacunha

    a luridly lit photo of a woman on a dancing pole hanging upside down as another girl looks into the camera

    Momo Charlton, 26, New York, USA

    “My girl doing her thing at the club we both dance at.” @momocharlton

    a boxer in a bodybuilding gym pretends to punch the camera, obscuring his face with his fist

    Edward Obert, 27, Germany

    “Idriss is a young boxer I met in his gym in Morocco. Him, his friends and his coach were heartwarming and very friendly. They showed me the gym and invited me to train with them.” @eddyobert

    a trio of teenagers sit on a bench against a wall in a school gymnasium wearing sports shorts and basketball sneakers

    Jackson Devereux, Oregon, USA

    “Burns Paiute Tribe teens after hooping in Burns, a town in remote Eastern Oregon.” @Jack.sunflower

    a person with plaited hair looks away from a camera into darkness, a shaved part in their head reveals a tattoo in gothic font saying 'lipstick boy'.

    Sebastian Comba, 23, Bogotá, Colombia

    “I took this photograph of my friend Alejandra, I found it interesting what she had tattooed on her head.” @sebastian.comba

    hong kong at night, shot from a subway platform looking down on the street empty with people. one man walks down the staircase to street level

    Jennifer Li, Hong Kong

    “People always look sad and unhappy on the subway.” @siufantome

    in instanbul, a man shaved another man's head in a barber shop

    Roman, 25, Istanbul, Turkey

    “I passed by a cool barbershop and decided to go in.” @Romanmashevskii

    a woman dressed in dark clothing obscured by red light leaks

    Michelle W, 28, Beijing, China

    “During countless lockdowns, time blurred, life twisted, target unreachable.” @itsmxxtop

    a woman in iran selling chickens by the side of the road wearing a floral garment, surrounded by chickens

    Mobin Mayeli, 22, Bandar Abbas, Iran

    “Fahimeh is 36 years old, she loves birds and animals, she comes to an alley in the old bazaar of Bandar Abbas every Friday to sell her chickens and roosters, she earns her living this way.”

    a group of people pray in sand, surrounded by circular sculptures

    Saad Bellakhdar, 24, Qatar

    “They say whoever truly loves you, will mention you in their prayers. Would you?”

    inside a rave, long exposure bleeding lights layer on top of each other. a blurry crowd of people can be seen behind them.

    Aiden Fernando, 22, Wellington, New Zealand

    “Standing at the heart of the rave.”

    the aftermath of a football came with pom poms and trash strewn across bleachers seating

    Lauren, 25, North Carolina, USA

    “The dull stress of finding yourself at your cousin’s Friday night football game in Atlanta as a twenty-something, but I do love the enthusiasm.” @laurenm1

    a group of people dance in a park together at night

    Natthawut Taeja, 26, Bangkok Thailand

    “Swing in the park.” @Toey_Nthv

    skateboarders in botswana hang out in front of a convenience store

    Mosako Chalashika, 27, Gaborone, Botswana

    “Hanging out with my friends while skating the streets of Botswana, always the best times!” @thelowsso

    the bottom half of the body of a boy wearing blue shorts carrying a coconut tree cutter utensil

    Ivory Campbell, Betania Island, Madagascar

    “A young boy from the island had just climbed up a tree to get us fresh coconuts. He’d attracted a bit of a crowd, particularly consisting of the local girls.” @ivscampbell

    in colombia, a woman sits in front of a fire with her eyes closed holding her chest

    Felipe Vanzer, 22, Barranquilla, Colombia

    “Just my friend and I receiving the eclipse. She is indigenous from La Guajira, Colombia. This photo was taken on Santa Marta, Magdalena. We study cinema together.”

    a person lies asleep in bed during the day, with the city behind them

    Jem Calija, Manila, Philippines

    “There’s something about a rainy afternoon in Manila that makes me want to just stay in. Maybe it’s the way the world attempts to muffle the traffic noise causing you to hear your thoughts a little louder.” @elijamjac

    backstage at a fashion show, models pose for the camera playfully

    Amrit Rai, 22, Mumbai, India

    “This image was taken at the backstage of a fashion show. It captures the overall mood.” @rayofamrit

    in zambia, a street salesman in an orange t-shirt shows watches to a customer. sunglasses and electronics are on display behind him.

    Kalenga Nkonge, Kabwe, Zambia

    “Sunglasses, phone-charging cables, watches and other little electronics for sale on these streets.”

    a person in california at dusk smoking a cigarette looks into the camera

    Sam Fredericks, 20, California, USA

    “A quick smoke break before having our friends over for a little dinner party.” @samueehl

    an out of focus shot of friends at a karaoke bar in lurid lighting

    Do Tang, 26, Helsinki, Finland

    “Just a blurry Friday night at a karaoke bar with my friends.” @do__tang

    a member of an american high school band dressed in a sash and cowboy hat

    Daniel Ribar, Michigan, USA

    “I woke up early to document the Thanksgiving parade here in Detroit. I spent a few minutes photographing and chatting with the high school band students while they practiced before marching down Woodward avenue.” @daniel.ribar

    a man in a suit with curly hair lies backwards coming down a slide

    Celine Salibi, 25, Dubai

    “A photo of my brother going down a slide backwards at our community playground.” @celinesalibi

    an out of focus shot of skin and hands

    Kymbat Muktarbekova, 28, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

    “The day I saw off a person very close to me, who turned my life upside down. It was sunny and warm at the time and her freckles were beautiful.” @thekyrgyzdiary

    a heart valve transplant scar on a woman

    Genevieve Andrews, 26, California, USA

    “I took this photo on my birthday last week. I had just found out I needed another heart valve transplant, this was my attempt to look at my scars with a more loving perspective.”


    All images courtesy the artist
