Tim Fraanje
From Egyptian hermits to Jared Leto, here’s what we can learn from the rich history of having nothing at all to do.
Roisin Lanigan
We’re looking at you, Vanessa Hudgens.
Alright own up, who took it?
Jack Sunnucks
The artist talks to i-D about playing an archetypal LA character alongside Courtney Love and Jared Leto, and ‘Norman Fucking Rockwell.’
Think Pieces
Georgie Wright
The actress is the latest in a long line of cis actors playing trans characters.
Zoé Dreadon
“I want to understand him.”
After The Harrison Ford One and before The Ryan Gosling One comes The Jared Leto One.
Hannah Ongley
What’s the Tyrell Corporation top dog doing with all those robots?
i-D Staff, Zio Baritaux
The short-lived 1994 show is still the best teen TV series ever made.
Wendy Syfret
Icons sound off on the people who inspire them: Rocky on Raf, Common on Chance, and Jared on Alessandro.