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    Now reading: the ultimate queer love playlist, by aussie band cub sport


    the ultimate queer love playlist, by aussie band cub sport

    From King Princess to Troye Sivan, it’s almost as adorable as they are.


    They say you should marry your best friend. Tim and Sam from Brisbane band Cub Sport are about to do just that. Best buds since high school, the musicians eventually realised that they were in love with each other. As detailed in this v cute doc made by Aussie radio station Triple J, the couple soon came to terms with their sexuality — neither were out before realising they wanted to be together — and, apparently not ones to do things by halves, they went travelling together, formed a internationally successful band, adopted some dogs called Missy and Evie, and got engaged.

    These days they’re out and proud and hoping that their music will teach young fans to be confident in who they are. The video for O Lord, from Cub Sport’s 2017 sophomore album, BATS, did a beautiful job of introducing the wider world to this very special synth pop band. It opens with the couple, faces full of make-up, embracing as they sing together under a warm light. Then we meet the rest of the band — Zoe Davis on bass, Dan Puusaari on drums — glittered up and playing along.

    Since then they’ve toured extensively, stuck to their mission of being the gay role models they wish they’d had growing up, and continued to make music videos with strong queer identities at the core. Crush, the latest, is one long intimate shower scene followed by proclamations of love with loose white shirts blowing in the desert wind.

    To celebrate i-D’s Love Week, Tim and Sam have made us a playlist of their favourite queer love songs that they describe as being “by some of our fave queer artists/allies/icons ranging from Brockhampton to Tracy Chapman. I hope y’all feel the love!” We do.

    As you listen, read our chat with the couple about the advice they’d give to their 16-year-old selves, their low-key wedding plans and queer representation in pop music. Fun!

    Hello you two! Please describe each other in three words.
    Tim: My guardian angel.
    Sam: Beautiful, kind, Scorpio.

    What’s the best date you’ve taken each other on?
    Tim: Our fave type of date is probably relaxing at the park with our beautiful dogs Missy and Evie, or walking through the nature reserve near our house in Brisbane!

    What are Tim’s best and worst habits?
    Best — Tim sees the best in everyone and uses every chance to spread love.
    Annoying — Well, Tim likes the shower temperature colder than I do.

    …And how about Sam?
    Best habit — being an all-round angel.
    Most annoying – I honestly don’t think he has one.

    What would you tell your 16-year-old selves about dating?
    Tim: Date boys!
    Sam: When you tell your girlfriend you want to break up so you can date a boy, make sure you text him afterwards to say it went well, not her :/

    And about love?
    Tim: Love yourself! I spent my entire teenage years hating things about myself and I feel like it held me back from really giving or receiving love. Spread love to others but always love yourself too.
    Sam: Learn to love yourself and let that perfuse every aspect of your life — that has been one of the most singularly transformative experiences I’ve ever had.

    While obviously very positive and long-overdue, it’s pretty mad that 2017’s passing of the marriage equality law in Australia came down to a vote, no?
    Tim: Yes – it’s a dream come true! The lead-up to the vote was a challenging time — there was a lot of love and support for the queer community, which was amazing but the vote also brought out a lot of negative voices that otherwise wouldn’t have been given a platform. I see changing the marriage law as a huge step towards equality for LGBTQI people and in shifting the general public’s perception of and attitude towards the queer community!


    Having said that — congrats on your engagement! <3 What will your wedding look like?
    Tim: Thank you! We’re having about 100 guests, it’s on a Friday night in a converted warehouse space, gluten-free vegan menu, our two dogs are our bridal party — I think it’s gonna be a really nice casual party vibe!

    What do you think your life will look like five years from now?
    Tim: I think we’ll be doing what we’re doing now but on a much bigger scale.

    What does it feel like to be loved?
    Tim: For me, being loved by Sam feels like I’m always home, always safe and always supported. Being loved by myself is different (and it’s something I’m always working on) — it feels freeing. It’s allowing myself to let go of shame/self-loathing, to believe in myself and believe that I deserve good things, like being loved by Sam.

    Last but not least, what’re your thoughts on queer representation in pop music rn?
    Tim: It’s an exciting time! There are more queer pop artists being embraced than ever before — and not just by queer audiences. There are voices rising up and contributing to a strong queer presence in pop culture that wasn’t necessarily there before. It helps spread a sense of belonging and pride through the queer community.
