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    Now reading: What your March 2023 looked like


    What your March 2023 looked like

    From Berlin to Bandar Abbas, here's a snapshot of the world from last month.


    At the end of every month, we open our inbox to photographs from anyone and everyone and run a selection of our favourites — just email photography@i-d.co to be considered with your name, age, location, Instagram handle, and a line or two about the image.

    If your image hasn’t made the cut, please don’t be discouraged and do keep sending us your photography. We receive thousands of submissions!

    Two women dyeing their hair blonde on the floor of a bathroom

    Aria Dreis, 16, California, USA

    “I took this while my friends were all bleaching their hair. I feel like this photograph represents the fun and carelessness of being a teenager.” @ariadreis

    Protestors gather in front of a fire in Tbilisi, Georgia

    Mariam Giunashvili, 26, Tbilisi, Georgia

    “Protesting ‘Russian Law’. The police were using tear gas.” @zgaparivit

    Two men in balaclavas stand in the middle of an empty green field

    Siphephelo Dlamini, 23, Lesotho, South Africa

    “Herd men from Lesotho. They wear balaclavas in order to protect their faces from weather conditions.” @siphephelo_dl

    A young boy stands in front of a tree in the street in Iran

    Mehrdad Mosaferi, 25, Bandar Abbas, Iran

    “The beginning of spring and the smell of Nowruz in an old neighborhood of Bandar Abbas.” @mehrdadmosaferii

    Two girls lying on their fronts in a play park

    Josefina Ahumada, 20, Buenos Aires, Argentina

    “Playing with Giu and Paloma in the park in La Lucila, mi barrio (my neighborhood).” @joseahumada_

    Black-and-white image of a naked man standing facing a tree in a field

    Akash Patil, 25, Maharashtra, India

    “March is about Holi (a festival of colours). We boys from the village find a place next to the river and cook chicken and rice, put colours on each other, play music, get drunk, take a dip in the river and go home.” @akashosaurus

    A man with tie-dye hair sits facing away from the camera on a subway train

    Yago Barbosa, 30, Lisbon, Portugal

    “This guy sat in front of me in the subway. I got up to leave and found out what was in his head.” @yagosbarbosa

    An orange-hued image of person leaning up against a window frame

    Karl Magee, 25, Berlin, Germany

    “Seeking morning light at the Imaginary Friends party in Berlin’s Fitzroy club.” @bits._

    Children draw on a wall covered in a mural of a bird flying through blue and yellow light

    Carlota Jiménez, 22, Madrid, Spain

    “A bunch of kids where painting murals in protest of what is happening in countries like Afghanistan with the laws against women. It was a very beautiful moment.” @jotas.view

    A teenager in a red jacket lying on a blue astroturf ground

    Elinor Kry, 19, New York, USA

    “Hanging out on the last day of spring break and the first day of warm sun in a really long time.” @elinorkry

    A woman sits on the edge of a single bed while a toddler plays with the curtain

    Josiah Crutchfield, 23, Honolulu, Hawaii

    “A weekend morning in Honolulu with Bugs.” @constantlythankful

    a topless man lying face down on a blue plaid picnic blanket in a field

    Kennedy Mirema, 25, Nairobi, Kenya

    “A picture of my friend, Agulet, I took in a hot sun of Nairobi.” @kennedymirema

    black-and-white blurred image of a face shot in profile

    Jerome Cortez, 19, Manila, Philippines

    “Watched a gig organized by some people I heard were from the same high school as me.” @jerowmeh

    three people kissing at a party in new york

    Matías Alvial, 25, New York, USA

    “Queerness allows us to explore intimacy outside of the romantic realm… it’s fun kissing your best friends.” @matialvial

    A person lounging by a blue pool shot in semi-profile

    Isaac Barnett, 18, Florida, USA

    “Goob by the pool.” @iebcam

    A man wearing a metal face mask and blue sleeveless top with camo trousers

    Ian Nnyanzi, 27, Kampala, Uganda

    “A mysterious gaze.” @masaka___masaka

    A teenager in blue jeans and a yellow t-shirt with a red star in the middle leaning against a brick wall

    Marina Mónaco, 26, Berlin, Germany

    “Nele wearing their self handmade T-shirt.” @marinaamonaco

    Black-and-white image of a person sleeping on their side in bed while someone washes the windows behind them

    Ben Tan, 26, California, USA

    “Alexis sleeping as the windows are washed.” @bentan

    A woman poses with flexed biceps from behind, with red hands painted on her back

    Camila, 25, Buenos Aires, Argentina

    “This is a film photo I took during the 8M march. It was a day full of many feelings.” @almaeyess

    A skater lying on a Zebra crossing next to his skateboard

    Marley Garcon, 25, Tokyo, Japan

    “My homie Tenzin skating in Shibuya.” @fromtrash

    A child in traditional Taiwanese dress

    Navi Matulaian, 30, Taiwan

    “Paiwan. I’m Taiwanese indigenous and I wanna sharing this beautiful culture with the world.”


    All images courtesy the artist
