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    Now reading: meet the team behind liam hodges


    meet the team behind liam hodges

    Follow us inside the studios of three London menswear designers, as we celebrate the people who are always ready to lend a pair of hands, aren't afraid to give a second opinion and pull the required all-nighter before the show.


    Liam Hodges

    Liam Hodges, 29, designer
    What are the rules you work to in the studio? Posh shandies 5pm.
    What gets you through the late night before showtime? Sleep
    What’s the funniest thing you’ve ever overheard during fashion week? When my 5-year-old niece kicked off about not being sat front row at one of my Fashion East shows.
    If you could change one thing about the fashion industry, what would you change and why?
    I’d make the autumn/winter season not so close to Christmas and the New Year.
    Finally, what advice would you like to pass on for anyone wishing to follow in your footsteps?
    You do you!

    Mischa Notcutt, casting director
    Could you describe your role? I find streetcast and agency boys to match the brief of the season.
    What does Liam Hodges mean to you?
    We’ve worked together for 7 seasons and when I first came on board, I had only previously worked on a few presentations. He believed in me to do his first runway show and I will always be so grateful for that. I always admire his work ethic, vision and the amount of have fun I have with him and Harry Lambert his stylist.
    What gets you through the late night before showtime?
    Harry’s playlists.
    Finally, what advice would you like to pass on for anyone wishing to follow in your footsteps?
    Always be grateful, be nice and work hard.

    Harry Lambert, 31, stylist
    What are the rules you work to in the studio? When I’m styling it is only ‘Britney Bitch’
    What does Liam Hodges mean to you? A 9 year friendship started through a mutual love of new rave (at the time)
    What gets you through the late night before showtime? Chocolate
    What’s the weirdest/funniest thing you have ever seen/heard during fashion week? When I was 22, we went for dinner with a designer and got very drunk on free booze at Nobu. At the end of the night, myself and a female pr friend, both of us unable to stand up, were asked if we would have a threesome with him. He was a very rich older man. We didn’t.
    Finally, what advice would you like to pass on for anyone wishing to follow in your footsteps? Intern, stay late, socialise.

    Julien Esteves Berthier, 24, Studio Manager
    What does Liam Hodges mean to you? Fun, very clever, attention to detail despite the bold and rough vibe, trend forecaster, full and honest.
    What gets you through the late nights before showtime? We have a relaxed mood in the studio when we work really late. We play loud music, are able to talk about the collection, process and and plan properly. It’s easier to see things as they truly are. It’s when we do the most creative stuff in general and those nights are great, especially if there’s beer to keep us concentrated.
    Finally, what advice would you like to pass on for anyone wishing to follow in your footsteps? You have to be consistent in everything you do, put in the needed hours, listen attentively. You really need to be committed to it and understand what the needs of the brand are so you can act on them accordingly.

    Holly Rae Jones, 24, communications manager
    Could you describe your role? I manage the communications team, create content, organise shoots and run the brand’s social media and website. We are a small team so I also get involved with all sorts especially in the run up to a show.
    What does Liam Hodges mean to you? Do It Yourself, not taking life too seriously and working really hard!!!
    What gets you through the late night before showtime? Loud music and company — or Tyskie.
    Finally, what advice would you like to pass on for anyone wishing to follow in your footsteps? Create your own jobs, do extra and don’t wait around to be asked to do something. Make suggestions and take initiative. Always ask questions if you don’t understand something, it is really important to create conversations.


    Portraits Elliott Morgan, background imagery Jess Gough, collage Kristina Britton
