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    Now reading: charles jeffrey wants you to make loverboy not war in 2018


    charles jeffrey wants you to make loverboy not war in 2018

    In our latest video, Charles Jeffrey envisions a fun, fabulous technicolor world in 2018. It’s better there.


    Scotland born, VF Dalston-raised designer Charles Jeffrey has blazed a paint-splattered trail across British fashion over the last few years — from his days as a design student at Central Saint Martins all the way to his recent British Emerging Talent Menswear nod at the British Fashion Awards (presented by his hero John Galliano, no less).

    His LOVERBOY project is a sprawling tribe-cum-badge of honour, encompassing both a fashion label and a club night, each feeding off the other like a brilliant, self-perpetuating monster. A place for people immune to consultations (and quite aware of what they’re going through), the whole thing’s freakin’ great fun — a world where jumpers are shredded and heads are painted blue da ba dee da ba da.

    In November, Charles opened his first solo art exhibition THE COME UP, a dazzling, interactive exploration of his world inside London’s NOW Gallery. Proving, if you didn’t already know it, his almost preternatural ability to transcend mediums like no one’s business, the whole thing was nonchalant, queer, fantastic and free. The perfect way to end 2017 and set the tone for a good, kind new one.
