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    Now reading: fka twigs just released a magazine on instagram


    fka twigs just released a magazine on instagram

    “AVANTGarden is a way for me to express myself without any rules or guidelines, with imagination and care.”


    Trust FKA Twigs to come up with a much more creative use for Instagram’s slide feature than the gelato infused holiday montage you just uploaded. The singer/dancer/producer/choreographer/hair aficionado has just released a ten ‘page’ magazine on the app for you to swipe through to your hearts content. Kind of like Tinder, except with good content.

    It’s the first issue of a few, which all come under the umbrella title of AVANTGarden. The idea, Twigs explains, is to create “a way for me to express myself without any rules or guidelines, with imagination and care.”

    Issue one is titled ROOTS. SHOCK. BEAUTY. and is a “visual exploration of braided hair styles” with Twigs teaming up with long term collaborators and friends including editor Suzannah Pettigrew, stylist Matthew Joseph and hair stylist Rio Shreedharan. Swipe right.
