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    Now reading: exclusive: listen to the new single from south london pop sisters, blessed


    exclusive: listen to the new single from south london pop sisters, blessed

    Fall for party tune See Through All the Colours and speed date them with 10 things you need to know about the buzzy new sister act.


    Lauren and Georgina (aka Loz and Gee) are 22 and 19-year-old sisters from south London making music as BLESSED. Loz remembers her dad bringing her to see lil sis Gee in the hospital right after she was born and they’ve been tight ever since — apart from the arguments that ensue from the daily usage of Gee’s eyebrow pencil by Loz, but we won’t dwell on that.

    Anyway! The other week, we stumbled across the duo and their dancehall-drenched debut single My Yute and it got us really excited about both the impending Notting Hill carnival and their music. We introduced you to their Insta-ready faces, impressive voices and addictive song, but also to the idea of two killer new popstars, right on our doorstep.

    We’re stoked to share with you their new tune See Through All the Colours, taken from their first ever EP which is due tomorrow. They’re not ones to leave you waiting, feeding our new music Friday appetite and more. “It’s about the confidence you have when you feel like you’re going to be the one to make someone realise there’s no one else out there for them but you,” they told us about the single. It’s their take on Irreplaceable, in which they remind their boos that they’re not basics/that they can’t replace this. Bringing allll the energy, the single is one for the clubs, the solo bedroom dancing, and powerfully strutting down the street with it blaring on headphones. Get stuck in and read up on the girls with these ten fun facts.

    1. They love south east London, but it’s sure got flaws…
    Loz: “It’s so easy to get everywhere, but we’ve got a Favourite Chicken at the end of our road so trying to eat healthily can go right out the window.”

    2. When they were little they didn’t want to be pop stars.
    Loz: “I wanted to be an athlete, I used to run 100m.”
    Gee: “I loved animals so much, I was sure I would a be vet.”

    3. Back then they were huge fans of, um, Robin Hood Prince of Thieves?.
    Gee: “We used to be obsessed and dance around in circles to the theme song all day long!”

    4. You should follow them on Insta @thisisblessed (@laurengnicole and @georgiaxmorgan) but they recommend following…
    Loz: “@khadi — she makes me cry with laughter.”
    Gee: “@Zendaya — she’s so talented and Intelligent. I think she’s an amazing role model for all young women and girls!”

    5. They reckon their music would be a great soundtrack for a Kill Bill rescore.
    Both: “Both are sassy and high energy, with lots of colour and vibrant visuals!”

    6. Their voice notes are their diaries.
    Gee: “The closest thing I have to a diary now are my voice notes, they are pretty sacred to me!”
    Loz: “I have been thinking about starting a real one though, especially now the ball is rolling and we have crazy exciting times ahead, I would love to document everything.”

    7. If they could make like Ursula in The Little Mermaid and steal someone’s voice…
    Loz: “I’d steal Jasmine Sullivan’s. I was obsessed when I was younger!”
    Gee: “Tori Kelly. I would do anything for a range like hers!”

    8. People call them Tia and Tamera, but they think they’re more like the Cramp Twins. For real.
    Gee: “They’re brothers but still resemble us in some ways. Loz is definitely the blue one though.”

    9. As Londoners, they know the key tip for a successful carnival.
    Loz: “Meet your friends before you go, or you won’t find them! There’s NO reception!”

    10. They feel truly #blessed, obvs.
    Loz: “As cheesy as it sounds, every day we feel we are so blessed to have such a close knit family that are so supportive.”
    Gee: “We just feel so lucky to have each other not only as sisters but close friends. It feels great to be releasing an EP which is available everywhere tomorrow along with our first two tracks Venom and My Yute. So make sure you check it out!”
