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    Now reading: debbie harry, aspiring beekeeper, wants you to help her save the bees


    debbie harry, aspiring beekeeper, wants you to help her save the bees

    The 71-year-old Blondie frontwoman is also a staunch advocate for stinging insects.


    From Logic’s Everybody to Lorde’s Melodrama, concept albums are alive and thriving in 2017. But one of the most intriguing comes courtesy of Blondie. The iconic new wave punk band’s eleventh studio album, Pollinator, wasn’t named at random — it’s also building buzz, so to speak, for Blondie’s efforts to save the world’s dwindling bee population.

    Frontwoman Debbie Harry has been a vocal insect advocate for a minute now, revealing earlier this year that she’s training to become a professional beekeeper. Hence why the 71-year-old’s stage costumes have been looking even more punk than usual recently — in addition to repeat-wearing her new favorite “Stop Fucking the Planet” slogan dress, she’s been spotted belting out Pollinator anthems in various bee-themed headpieces.

    Debbie and her Blondie bandmate Chris Stein have now set up a BEE Connected campaign on the band’s website. “Basically, my motives for supporting pollinators is survival, survival of us all, survival of the human race,” Debbie said. Chris added that “You can thank a honey bee for one-third of your diet.” The campaign explains that without pollinators — which also include butterflies and birds — agricultural economies and the surrounding landscapes would collapse. The band has teamed up with Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth for the initiative.

    Debbie and Chris are urging fans to buy local, and if possible, plant a garden at home or in a local space. You can also support the bees with merch tees, net proceeds of which will go to organizations helping to promote the health of pollinators. Pick one up here and cross your fingers Debbie’s avant-garde bee hats will make their way to the store soon.


    Text Hannah Ongley
    Image via Twitter
