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    Now reading: the soundtrack to your weekend ft. ms banks, god colony, and dave


    the soundtrack to your weekend ft. ms banks, god colony, and dave

    Press play on the new releases we've had on repeat this week.


    Nilüfer Yanya, The Florist

    Our Class of 2017 alumni Nilüfer Yanya reveals a gabber inspired video for The Florist here, her first new music since the very good Small Crimes EP last year. It sees the young Londoner getting up to all sorts at a 90s inspired rave, eating Fruit Pastels and generally making excellent use of a night vision camera. A sort of Nilüfer Yanya’s Big Night Out, if you will.

    Flamingods, Kewali

    Trip quick into Flamingods’ first person adventure game visuals for the title track of their new EP that’s almost out on Moshi Moshi Records. Navigate your way through a desert of nostalgia past strange characters, dancing bananas, giant lizards, and free Kool-Aid under a purple sky of dolphin constellations, edging ever closer towards a mythical temple. “Aesthetically, the Kewali music video game is PS2 glitch meets Cool Boarders on shrooms,” says director Amy Brown. “A lot of Rubicon was consumed in the making of this video.”

    Dave, Revenge

    The ungoogle-able Dave refs 90s video games for an 8-bit banger with more killer lines than you could shake a Wii at. Expect tickets for his upcoming shows to be rarer than a Nintendo Switch.

    Ms Banks, OMG

    OMG, this is exactly what we wanted from Ms Banks. Not one to fuck around, in a follow up to Get Loose, the Londoner gets her girl racer on, spraying bars and looking amazing while she does it. “The everyday motto is to turn up and get f*cked,” she told Noisey. “It’s lit. Lol, no but seriously this beat made me bring the rawness back. I love it so much. OMG is about how it made me feel and how I put that energy back into the track.”

    4N Boyz, F**K BREXIT

    “England’s most infamous immigrant/rapper/worker Bricka Bricka returns with his best friend Original K as the 4N Boyz and they have something to say about Article 50,” reads the YouTube description this one. It’s all a parody of course, Bricka Bricka actually being David Vujanic, a London-based comedian of Serbian origin. But with its sharp, smart takedown of Theresa May, the Daily Mail and Britain’s reliance on foreign labour it might just be the best artistic response to Brexit we’ve heard so far.

    God Colony, Fights ft. Flohio

    Thank you, NTS. For the second instalment in their audio-visual collaboration with God Colony, we’ve been treated to this addictive industrial number featuring Flohio’s unrelenting flow. Killer monochrome vid too.

    Tony Njoku, In All Its Glory

    London-based producer and songwriter Tony Njoku makes nice swirly sounds in follow up to last year’s In Greyscale album. “Musically, it’s an attempt to move forward, to add something else to our cultural conversation,” he told DIY Magazine. “Personally, it’s a reaction to all the fucking noise from inner disputes and outside pressures filling my head.” You can catch him out on tour next week too.

    HEART PEOPLE, Voices

    Our mates at i-D Australia are already big fans of Antipodean duo Heart People, describing their new music video as a “hazy, strobe-lit, fashion film noir.” Pretty accurate. We like the dance party tune, singer Rachel’s eye glitter, and the rainbow colour scheme they settled on. Directed by Byron Spencer, the video is a multi-layered, collage, reflecting the band’s parallel obsessions with dance music, fashion and film.

    Heart People’s debut EP Homecoming including dub versions of each track is available for pre-order today.

    Lifestyle, Sedate

    Well look what we’ve got our hands on here, readers. Vondelpark frontman Lewis Rainbury goes all mysterious with trippy new project Lifestyle. We haven’t heard much about the whole thing (other than the very good Always More which popped up on the internet this week), but by all accounts there’s a mixtape in the works too. If the music on it’s anything like the stuff accompanying this Ciaran Wood-directed effort then they’re going to have a struggle remaining mysterious for much longer.

    Show Me the Body, Hungry (Dreamcrusher)

    Last but by no means least, the new flick from SMTB is making us hungry. Hungry for a messy night that involves crawling across the floor with a torch screaming, that is. Shot in the middle of the afternoon in a very dark room, the whole thing is nightmarish but also really great — like a lot of things in life.


    Text Frankie Dunn and Matthew Whitehouse
