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    Now reading: when fashion and family collide


    when fashion and family collide

    To celebrate Mother’s Day this Sunday, we asked some of our favourite young London designers what it’s like bringing your mum to work.


    Molly Goddard and mum Sarah
    As Sister Sledge famously once sung, “We are family, I got all my sisters with me.” In the technicolour tulle-filled world of west Londoner, Molly Goddard, family also means business. Indeed, not only is the 28-year-old designer lucky enough to work with her stylist sister Alice, she also gets to work with her mum, set designer Sarah Edwards, the mastermind behind Molly’s prom whimsical shows and theatrical presentations.

    Molly: “I only recently realised that my mum is always right, she always said she was but now I finally believe her. That realisation makes working together much easier. We have similar ideas and she is good at being very resourceful with the sets she designs, we tend to go big rather than dainty which other people seem afraid of doing. I am pretty sure she could polish a turd beautiful.”

    Sarah: “Molly’s collection is usually the inspiration for the sets. I’m very lucky that once the decisions are made she leaves the rest to me. We brainstorm ideas with Alice and have lots of discussions, and then she lets me get on with it.”

    Read: 10 things you need to know about Molly Goddard.

    Mimi Wade and mum Rebecca
    When it comes to the Wade family, the apple doesn’t fall far from the sartorial tree. Both Mimi and her mother studied fashion design at CSM, and agree that the secret to successful working relationships is unconditional love.

    Mimi: “I love working with my mum because she has an incredible eye, a vast knowledge of fashion history and an almost sixth sense for predicting comebacks before anyone is ready! (And she studied FCP at Saint Martins in the 80s.) It’s also invaluable to have someone there who you know will give you an entirely honest opinion, because ultimately she want’s what’s best for me and won’t just tell me what I want to hear. She’s my number one creative advisor!”

    Rebecca: “I love working with my daughter and I believe that the secret weapon which makes this working relationship so successful is unconditional love. It makes everything possible, there are no barriers in what we can do or say, and knowing her so well there’s a natural efficiency in the way we can communicate with each other. Beautiful, creative and witty she is the embodiment of her designs.”

    Read: 10 things you need to know about Mimi Wade.

    Matty Bovan and mum Plum
    Matty and his mum are like two peas in a pod. Both blondes, both as fab as each other, the pair are inseparable, which is why they work so well together. Not only does she assist Matty with the knitting and the shredding, last season she created a collection of colourful clay jewellery for him. She’s a dream.

    Matty: “Me and mum are on the same page, but still come from very different places. We talk a lot about what I’m feeling that season or project, and mum goes and experiments with things and we basically talk and push ideas all through the process. Mum is great because she has all this talent and taste naturally so it comes from a very genuine and real place.”

    Plum: “I listen to Matty and make a start on something for his latest collection, then we work together developing. Matty has inspired me to try things I never thought possible, and given me the confidence to think outside the box.”

    Read: 10 things you need to know about Matty Bovan.

    Art School’s Eden Loweth, Tom Barratt and mum Paula
    Eden Loweth’s mum has been with him since the beginning. Obvs. But aside from bringing him into this world, she’s also been there for the birthing of his super cool fashion label Art School, which he shares with his partner Tom Barratt. From sewing on crystals to getting models ready before a show, she’s never left their sides, and they couldn’t be happier for it.

    Eden: “Working with my mum both throughout my graduate collection and on Art School is so special and important to me; she is such an inspiring and strong woman, and my rock. She has worked so hard to help us, and be by our sides throughout our journey and it means so much to me to say thank you on this Mother’s Day <3”

    Tom: “We are absolutely blessed to have Paula work with us on Art School. Since Eden’s graduate collection she has been there coming up from the tranquility of her country life in Norfolk to the depths of fashion mayhem in London. She immerses herself fully into our world and each time she visits there’s always so much fun to be had. We’ve had many a late night sat embroidering Swarovski together nattering away sipping on a bit of Rosé! She is a joy to work with and a wonderful person, a woman of many talents indeed! Her crocheting is particularly unsurpassed. I hope this Mother’s Day when Paula comes to visit we can take some much needed time out and treat her to a lovely lunch, she deserves it!”

    Paula: “I first worked with my Eden and his partner Tom in 2016 at Ravensbourne, helping Eden with his Graduation Fashion Show. This year I helped them both with Art School at their first presentation in January. On both occasions, I thoroughly enjoyed working with them, sewing the crystals on the collection and getting involved with the designs, models, and all the team that helped put the show together. I feel very strong about the concept of their designs and as Eden’s mum I feel so honoured to be working by his side in the fashion world, and so very proud of everything he does.”

    Read: 10 things you need to know about Art School.

    Amie Robertson and mum Wendy
    Part intern, part momager, Amie Robertson has worked side by side with mum Wendy since she launched her label AV Roberston last year. Whether it’s making tea or tidying up crystals from the floor in true mum style, or organising the studio and sewing hems, you name it and Wendy’s already done it.

    Amie: “Working with my mum/momager is like a rollercoaster, we are so close and alike and can drive each other crazy at times! But having her moral support is invaluable, she is my biggest supporter and fan. She always knows what i want or need without me even asking. I definitely couldn’t have got to where I am without her constant support since being a child.”

    Wendy: “Working with Amie and a curse… she is such a perfectionist and knows exactly what she wants down to every little detail! I think or hope that i have passed my internship! I have definitely picked up enough pins, sequins and crystals to last a life time. But I love being involved, seeing everything come together and to see all her hardwork paid off is so rewarding, its one of the highlights of my life to see her dreams come true. I couldn’t be any prouder of what she has achieved.”

    Read: 10 things you need to know about AV Robertson.


    Text Tish Weinstock
