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    Now reading: babyface hits stratford to talk feminism, straight up!


    babyface hits stratford to talk feminism, straight up!

    In honour of IWD we spoke to some of London’s students about their experiences of feminism in 2017.


    This week Babyface with the support of i-D, has been taking a closer look at the status of feminism now, calling on our friends, family and network to open up discussion. Keen to ensure we spoke to some girls whose experiences are further from our own, we decided to hit the streets of Stratford and talk London’s students about how feminism impacts their day to day lives.

    Kaya I’Rita Morrison-Macleod, 16, London

    What’s the best thing about being a girl now?
    Being able to do more than any other time. Women are more liberated.

    Who is your feminist icon and why?
    My mum. She has raised me and my sisters to be strong and know our self worth. She has been my role model and shown me me that I can be and do whatever I want and that my sex does not limit me.

    What does feminism mean to you?
    Equality for men and women and equal opportunities.

    When do you feel strongest?
    I feel strongest when I am learning because i know how powerful knowledge is and how important education and expanding our minds is.

    Who were you most grateful for this International Women’s Day?
    All the women that have made it possible for me to have all the opportunities that i have today. All the women that have given their lives for women’s futures.

    Rosie Stewart-Tomes, 17, London

    What’s the best thing about being a girl now?
    There’s lots of pride in being a girl today, female friends are the most important to me.

    Who is your feminist icon and why?
    Angelina Jolie. I think she’s doing a lot of important work with refugees and especially women.

    What does feminism mean to you?
    Equality for all women, of all race, religion, and sexuality. I also think it’s important that feminism focuses on the rights of those in third world countries more.

    When do you feel your strongest and why?
    I feel strongest when I’ve got the support of my friends. They empower me and encourage me as a female.

    Who were you most grateful for this International Women’s Day?
    My sister for teaching me the importance of feminism and what a strong woman is.

    Abena Boatey, 15, United Kingdom

    What’s the best thing about being a girl now?
    Looking in the mirror and looking nice. Having long hair and being able to style it.

    Who is your feminist icon and why?
    Nicki Minaj because she is absolutely slaying and shows me anyone can make it.

    What does feminism mean to you?
    Means standing up for women’s rights and showing equality between men and women.

    When do you feel your strongest and why?
    I feel my strongest studying because I’m building towards my future.

    Who were you most grateful for this International Women’s Day?
    My mum for making me female and teaching me to be a really good one.

    Melissa Dodwell, 17, Hampstead

    What’s the best thing about being a girl now?
    We are able to express ourselves freely without confinement.

    Who is your feminist icon and why?
    Georgia O’Keefe because she is an inspirational famous artist of her time.

    What does feminism mean to you?
    The ability to express myself how I want.

    When do you feel your strongest and why?
    When I’m in nature.

    Who were you most grateful for this International Women’s Day?
    My sister.

    Malaika Green Okdoba, 17, London

    What’s the best thing about being a girl now?
    I feel that it makes me work harder and appreciate things more. It gives me the motivation to do my best as a female.

    Who is your feminist icon and why?
    My mum is a very inspiring women. Seeing how hard she works for me and my brother and sister encourages me to achieve the most so I can repay her for her love when I’m older.

    What does feminism mean to you?
    It means opening doors of opportunities that were limited/closed off to women before.

    When do you feel your strongest and why?
    When my family give me words of encouragement as I have moments when I’m feeling down and hearing that they’re proud of me gives me courage.

    Who were you most grateful for this International Women’s Day?
    My sister and mother as they gave me examples of how strong black women are and they’ve made me proud of my identity today.

    Hrishika Maniar, 21, London

    What’s the best thing about being a girl now?
    Being part of the change, creating our power and creating art and beauty.

    Who is your feminist icon and why?
    Carol Ann Duffy. She’s one of my favourite poets and I think you can really make a difference with poetry, writing and art.

    What does feminism mean to you?
    Empowerment, revolution and equality.

    When do you feel your strongest and why?
    When I study and when I dress up and walk down the street. I feel I gain something from those experiences.

    Who were you most grateful for this International Women’s Day?
    My parents. Thank you for raising me to be a strong woman and pushing me to achieve my dreams.

    Luana Fernandes, 17, Portugal

    What do you do?

    What’s the best thing about being a girl now?

    Who is your feminist icon and why?
    My mum because she gives me confidence.

    When do you feel your strongest and why?
    When I can be myself in front of people.

    Who were you most grateful for this International Women’s Day?
    My mum.

    Carter Madison Berlinka, 17, London

    What’s the best thing about being young in 2017?
    I identify as male, and the best thing about that today is that I am able to freely express my gender and have a community which supports me.

    Who is your feminist icon and why?
    Hannah Hart because she does a lot for the LGBT community and raises awareness about mental illness.

    What does feminism mean to you?
    Total equality for all genders.

    When do you feel your strongest and why?
    Standing up for LGBT issues and raising awareness.

    Who were you most grateful for this International Women’s Day?
    My partner for giving me the strength to feel masculine in my more feminine features.


    Photography Lily Bertrand-Webb
