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    Now reading: christmas with barbie ferreira


    christmas with barbie ferreira

    To celebrate the advent of the festive season, we asked i-D's family and friends to share their most cherished Christmas memories, reflect on whether they’ve been naughty or nice, and tell us their New Year’s resolutions for 2017.


    Calling for representations of people from all walks of life, gender, sexuality, (dis)ability and race, Barbara Ferreira is not your average model. Sure, she’s breathtakingly beautiful, and at size 12, she oozes a level of sex appeal that most stick-thin models can only dream of. But what makes the Me and You model so unique is her refreshing attitude towards beauty and the natural confidence she radiates from within. Confronted with the sad reality that there were no curvy role models to look up to while growing up, Barbara decided to take matters in to her own hands by sending off some pictures to American Apparel. Fast forward to today, and at just 19 years of age, Barbie is a role model for young girls the world over. We love you Barbie!

    Happy Christmas, Barbie. What’s going on in your photo?
    I’m not sure where exactly I am in this but I’m sure it’s Christmas or I was just wearing holiday appropriate attire. I think I might’ve been in Brazil too but I can’t confirm 100%. I used to spend a lot of holidays with the family out there.

    Have you been naughty or nice this year?
    Definitely naughty, but you know…

    What’s on your Christmas list?
    Furniture! And plants. I’ve been begging people to get me little things to decorate my new apartment.

    How will you be spending Christmas day?
    My mum and I are having anti-Christmas because the few people in our small family are going away and did not send the invite over. We might go get some fancy food and watch movies.

    What’s your favourite Christmas song of all time?
    Anything off the Justin Bieber Christmas album…

    Who do you want to kiss under the mistletoe?
    This is a great question — I have 0 crushes right now so definitely my friend’s puppy, Pearl.

    What’re the best/worst Christmas present you ever received?

    Best was my first secret Santa that I did when I was about 10. I got Usher’s Confessions and a pink beanie. The worst is probably anything involving bad body lotion.

    What were your 2016 highlights?

    How will you usher in the New Year?
    I have no idea. I’m not a huge holiday person so I don’t make plans. I just go with the flow.

    What are your New Year’s resolutions?
    To continue focusing on my health and happiness. To be nicer!!
