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    Now reading: adidas brings all your instagram heroes together in a beautiful new campaign


    adidas brings all your instagram heroes together in a beautiful new campaign

    Petra Collins shoots Michael Bailey Gates, ​Ralph Souffrant, Simone Thompson and plenty more online heartthrobs making waves IRL.


    Adidas Originals and Urban Outfitters have pulled every single legend from your Instagram feed into the same room—with plenty of i-D favourites in sight. Calling on artists, stylists, models, activists and designers from all around the states, Petra Collins lensed the campaign that is aptly titled “We The Future.”

    Each shot is paired with an interview about the subject’s dreams for the future; proving these days modelling is just as much about personality and passion as it is a unique face. And what wonderful subjects they are: from artist Alexandra Marzella and regular Yeezy model Braina Laviena, to photographer Michael Bailey Gates and models Ralph Souffrant and Michael Lockley. Alexis Jae and Simone Thompson also appear, who we recently spoke to about how Instagram has redefined the muse. Seems like Petra and Adidas are just as enamoured as we are. Peep our favourite shots below, and look through the entire campaign here.


    Photography Petra Collins
