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    Now reading: lena dunham and natasha lyonne on why it’s time for a revolution of female leaders


    lena dunham and natasha lyonne on why it’s time for a revolution of female leaders

    Launching today, Humanity for Hillary is an alliance of artists and activists fighting to address the sexism of the 2016 presidential race — and get more women into office.


    WTF. In the last presidential election, women made up 53% of all voters, yet we only make up 19.4% of congress. “How is that ok?” asks actor and true-blue hero Natasha Lyonne in a new video, “#ThisIsWhatMyRevolutionLooksLike,” released today by the freshly formed artist and activist-led group Humanity for Hillary.

    “It’s not ok,” answers actor and writer Sarah Jones. “Maybe that’s why we have no equal rights amendment,” continues Lyonne. We also have no paid family leave “like literally every other developed nation in this world has,” points out Taylor Schilling. And “no national early child care program,” adds Lena Dunham.

    Co-founded by activist Sarah Sophie Flicker and writer and director Laura Dawn, Humanity for Hillary is on a mission to counter misperceptions about HC, and the sexism from which they so often stem.

    At the heart of the group’s new video is a righteous incredulity about the fact that, during its 240-year history, the government of the United States has entirely failed to represent the rights and concerns of women. And getting Hillary into office is the best way to change that, argues a group of women (and one man!) including Dunham, Lyonne, Schilling, her Orange Is the New Black costars Udo Azuba and Lea DeLaria, actor Rosie Perez, and poet Cleo Wade.

    About her involvement in the group, Dunham said, “I participated in this video because this is the most essential election of our lifetime, and I believe that electing more women is a true revolutionary action. If you believe in equality for women, LGTBQ, people of color and immigrants then there is only one choice this November — Hillary Clinton.”



    Text Alice Newell-Hanson
