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    Now reading: premiere: mnek, at night (i think about you) [blonde remix]


    premiere: mnek, at night (i think about you) [blonde remix]

    Press play on the track that’ll be running around your head at 3 o’clock in the morning.


    O sleep, O gentle sleep, nature’s soft nurse. But what about those nights when the hours breed thoughts? When rest remains aloof and all you’re left with are the questions: am I sleeping? Have I slept at all? And are he/she/they [delete as applicable] awake too? That’s the situation facing i-D favorite and all-round-general pop wonderkid MNEK on his latest single “At Night (I Think About You).” There’s form for this kind of thing in the world of tortured songcraft, of course — Paul Simon, Neil Tennant and Tricky all had a go — and now we have Beyoncé collaborator MNEK given the house treatment here by Bristol two-piece Blonde. The rework premieres exclusively below. Grab a coffee, adjust your body clock, and press play on the remix that’ll be running around your head at 3 o’clock in the morning. There’s no time to sleep on it.


    Text Matthew Whitehouse
