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    Now reading: mykki blanco returns with beatdown banger scales


    mykki blanco returns with beatdown banger scales

    "I'm Solange in the elevator, watch your ass"


    The birth of Mykki Blanco’s !K7 imprint Dogfood Music Group was—not to sound hyperbolic—likely the most exciting collective musical venture of 2015. With three likeminded artists at his side, Mykki’s label set out to disrupt the “singular image of ‘African American Music’,” and establish “black Americans create more than just rap music.”

    Dogfood’s debut release, the label sampler C-CORE, did exactly that. The LP was a gooey, explosive and decidedly punk sampling of noise from queer artists like Violence, Yves Tumor and PsychoEgyptian. Mykki also threw two tracks into the mix: Paw and Coke White, Starlight. Naturally, they left us wanting more. When we last pressed Mykki for details of a solo release, we heard the project was very much in the works, with Jeremiah Meece and Woodkid at the production helm. But progress was slow, because Mykki has also been working on his first film.

    in conversation with mykki: on returning to music, alternative black culture and his new crew

    Now, we still haven’t gotten our first taste of the record, but we’ve gotten something. Earlier this week Mykki shared Scales, which won’t be making the album—but it still bangs. It’s a version of a collab he recorded with Katie got Bandz a few years back, hence the Solange Met ball reference. He also shared that he’d be dropping a tack with mysterious masked musician Gaika (i-D premiered his latest offereing, get a taste here.) According to Mykki, it’s a certified “TUNE” so keep you ears peeled.

    Please note that a representative for Mykki Blanco has previously informed us Blanco would be using male pronouns when discussing projects and artistry.


    Photography Bruno Staub
    Hair Tetsuya at De Facto Inc
    Make-up Stevie Huynh at D+V Management
    Photography assistance Andrew Beardsworth
    Production Andrea Jackson at De Facto Inc
