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    Now reading: everything we’re looking forward to now winter is a memory


    everything we’re looking forward to now winter is a memory

    The sun is shining, let's celebrate!


    Over the past few weeks, the days have finally started warming up and the nights are stretching on for longer. So welcome is this change in the air that we’ve decided to put winter weather well and truly behind us. In a bid to welcome 30-degree days and endless summer nights we’ve compiled a list of the things we’re most looking forward to now winter is a distant memory. From wardrobe shifts, to musical inclinations, and preferred drinking venues—we’ve totally got you covered as things begin to heat up.

    Combatting a vitamin D deficiency

    Basically this is just an excuse to embrace the outdoorsy lifestyle for which Antipodeans are known. But scientific research actually does suggest a vitamin D deficiency is both a genuine health concern and a real problem for many people. In fact, according to recent studies, nearly one third of Australian adults suffer from it. So whether it’s camping, beach going, or barbequing, you no longer need to feel bad about taking the day off to indulge. After all, summer sunshine has been prescribed for good health.

    Welcoming a spring clean

    Bear with me on this one. I am fully aware that cleaning sounds like a chore — mostly because it is — but, then again, very few things are quite as cathartic as a good old wardrobe cleanse. I have personally never been one to subscribe to the whole “Five-Piece French Wardrobe” thing. Because, let’s face it, there are more than five days in a week. But the hoarder in me has gradually become better at purging what’s no longer needed in favour of an annual refresh. And what better time of year to do this than spring, with all the promise of summer dresses and floaty nothings to replace our heavy coats?

    Wearing hats in a non-ironic way

    I’m not sure exactly why, but it seems that I’m just not one of those natural hat-wearing people. Instead, I am inevitably condemned to feel uncomfortable while wearing a hat of any sort. Give me a broad brimmed straw number or a felt chapeau á la Saint Laurent any day and I’ll give you a self-conscious weirdo. For some reason, though, this hat-induced social awkwardness seems to subside slightly come summertime. Then, all of a sudden, I am perfectly at home while wearing a hat to a picnic, or a visor to the beach — alright maybe that’s going a little too far, but I think you get my drift.

    The spring/summer shows

    Don’t get me wrong, impending fashion month is always something to get excited about, but there’s just a different kind of magic about the spring/summer shows. Overall, the street style is better in and around the shows at this time of year — due in no small part to the kindly lack of blizzards — and there’s a little more brevity to the overall mood. Designers tend to inject more colour and print into their collections, for example, which offers a great visual cue to get us sufficiently excited for the summer season ahead. And this is, in my opinion, one of the major advantages of living in the southern hemisphere come fashion week — that sense of being slightly ahead of the curve when it comes to new season styles you can adopt in real time.

    An excuse to wear less makeup

    Not that we needed another excuse, but there just seems to be something about summer vibes that makes less liberal applications of makeup totally au fait. It’s something about the salt water in your hair, or the fresh sea breeze on your cheeks. Whatever it is, though, there’s this sense that you can get away with anything — including, but not limited to that whole no makeup trend once thought exclusively for supermodels. Plus, if you’re ever feeling a little too exposed, a simple flick of mascara or swipe of lipstick should do the trick.

    Major sporting events and, more importantly, the outfits to match

    Summer is the season for countless major sporting events, most of which I am still trying to decode. But one thing I certainly can appreciate is the outfit that goes along with the game. There’s the Boxing Day cricket test held in Melbourne (read: head to toe in white) and the Australian Open in January (which is all about flippy skirts and a great pair of sneakers). But if you really want to get into the spirit, then designer Catherine Conlan of local label Worn is creating the coolest new garments featuring the image of famous tennis legends.


    Now I’m all for proper sun safety, of course. But even as an avid disciple of the trusty fifty plus, I can’t deny the allure of a sun kissed complexion come summertime. The desired effect here is less Magda from There’s Something About Mary and more Flo Kosky, or Twiggy circa the early years.

    Which is to say that it’s a light smattering of sunshine rather than all-out sun damage. I think these freckles add a little character to your look and signal that the warmer months are well and truly upon us. Also see here: “Combatting a vitamin D deficiency” and “An excuse to wear less makeup”.

    Photo via join savannah baker’s adidas gyal dem 


    Summertime is all about the slides. Is it just me, though, or have our slide options suddenly become a whole lot cooler? Whether they be suede, fur-lined or Savannah Baker’s Adidas Gyal Dem versions, these new takes on the style are seriously something to get excited about. Not only do they offer a chance to liberate your feet from their restrictive bonds of boots and stockings, but they have finally eclipsed grandpa status and reclaimed their cool. Suffice to say it’s a huge win for the orthopaedic-conscious among us and not so much for the peddlers of stilettos and the like.

    Pimms and other such fruity concoctions

    Whether it be on a rooftop in Melbourne or one of Sydney’s iconic bowling clubs, Australians love an excuse to enjoy a beverage outdoors. This sentiment is only amplified if said beverage is a refreshingly fruity concoction in the spirit of Pimms or sangria. And, better still, if the drink in question is available in jug form. After all, summer is all about sharing the love. Here, also consider the joys of eating outdoors as part of the equation and the likely presence of summer seafood as an accompaniment to your sangria.

    A chance to embrace our favourite music al fresco

    Is there any better way to listen to tunes than under a blue summer sky? It’s the season of countless local music festivals, drawing some of the best international talent, as well as plenty of homegrown favourites. This year, everyone’s talking about Falls Festival, which will bring us the likes of Kurt Vile and Mac Demarco. When the music slows down, too, there are always open-air cinema dates and night markets to keep you well and truly occupied. As far as I’m concerned, summer can stick around as long as she likes.


    Text Rosie Dalton
