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    Now reading: lucien clarke and shawn powers are changing the face of skateboarding


    lucien clarke and shawn powers are changing the face of skateboarding

    Meet the transatlantic duo shaping skateboarding's future.


    Lucien Clarke

    What do you do and why do you do it?
    I’m a pro skateboarder and I do it because my passion for skateboarding hasn’t stopped since I first laid meh beady eyes on it.

    How did you start your career?
    It all started in Hyde Park when I first saw someone do a kick flip.

    What was your big break?

    What are you working on at the moment?
    Palace and Supra full-length videos and a few other projects.

    What advice would you give young people wishing to follow in your footsteps?
    Be yah self, always have fun with it and keep it gangster.

    We‘re celebrating the 35th Anniversary Issue of i-D, when did you last celebrate and what was the occasion?
    Coming home from LA after months of being out there.

    What excites you most about tomorrow?
    Not knowing what’s going to happen.

    Tell us one thing that no one knows about you.
    I hate mustard.

    What‘s your party trick?
    French exit from too much bunning.

    Finish this sentence: 35 is the new
    Midlife crisis.

    Photography Alasdair McLellan. Styling Max Clark.Lucien wears all clothing Supreme. Jewellery model’s own.

    Shawn Powers

    Why do you do what you do?
    Because it feels right.

    Describe yourself in five words.
    Tired, slow, dumb, blurry, hot.

    What was your big break?
    Living in London for the summer.

    What are you working on at the moment?
    These questions.

    We’re celebrating the 35th Birthday Issue of i-D, when did you last celebrate and what was the occasion?
    My new apartment.

    What excites you most about tomorrow?
    It’s Monday.

    Tell us one thing that no one knows about you.
    I was in special ed.

    What’s your party trick?
    Opening beer bottles with my teeth.

    Finish this sentence: 35 is the new…

    Photography Alasdair McLellan. Styling Julia Sarr-Jamois. Shawn wears sweatshirt Palace. Ring Model’s Own.
