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    Now reading: 105 of melbourne’s coolest buildings are open for inspection


    105 of melbourne’s coolest buildings are open for inspection

    Take a look through some of the city's most interesting out-of-bounds spaces at Open House Melbourne.


    Melbourne is home to some very interesting architecture and abundant with historical spaces that make the city so fascinating and unique. Since 2008 Open House Melbourne has fed our curiosity regarding what lies behind all those closed doors by inviting everyone to freely explore some the city’s most remarkable and iconic places.

    This year, on the weekend of 25th and 26th July,105 buildings will be open to roam including the long abandoned Argus Building, the Flinders Street Ballroom as well as some of the fascinating offices and university buildings designed by top architects. You can also pre-book yourself a tour of the rooftops where you’ll find a mix of bars and urban oases. All very interesting if you want to learn about Melbourne’s history from a different perspective or simply get some interior /exterior design inspiration.

