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    Now reading: kate moss and marc jacobs call all the basic bitches


    kate moss and marc jacobs call all the basic bitches

    The designer and 35th Birthday Issue cover star have a new announcement: you’re basic.


    Despite launching a massive Instagram casting campaign, Marc Jacobs briefly tried to front as if he wasn’t taking artselfies and photos of dogs like the rest of us common folk this entire time. But in spite of this hater past, Instagram’s newest convert has wasted no time boning up on his Insta-etiquette, even correctly deploying #nofilter on his very first post (NB, Marc:only Valencia is acceptable, stay far away from Kelvin.)

    Deeply committed to bringing himself up to speed, Marc and i-D 35th Birthday Issue cover star Kate Moss united to resurrect tween YouTube sensation Lohanthony’s 2012 opus Calling All the Basic Bitches. The designer and runway icon had clearly practiced coordinating their leg-twirling, although they still need a bit of speed work if they’re ever going to hang in Lohanthony’s league.

    Now that Marc has seen Instagram’s gloriously narcissistic light, what other viral gems will he and Queen Kate reinterpret next? We can only hope for this.

    MOTHERBOARD: The ‘Basic Bitch’ Will Never Die


    Text Emily Manning
    Photography © Gabriele Cardu
