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    Now reading: esther stewart takes you on holiday after her valentino collaboration


    esther stewart takes you on holiday after her valentino collaboration

    Visiting the Melbourne artist's latest exhibition should be your first resort this weekend.


    After collaborating with fashion force Valentino, who were drawn to her bold, abstract paintings, Esther Stewart will be exhibiting her latest series of work at the Station Gallery titled Timeshare.

    Stewart has the gift of creating a collection of intimidating colours and loud shapes and arranging them in precarious harmony. Although containing pieces with deeper complexity and patterns, this honest balance stays true in Timeshare, which is based on the ‘chintzy interiors’ and architecture of holiday resorts.

    The ten paintings, four times bigger than her usual work, immerse you in a delicately vibrant vacation.

    Timeshare opens March 28 and runs until April 18.
