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    Now reading: my crew: ethan james green’s beautiful friends drink wine and make out


    my crew: ethan james green’s beautiful friends drink wine and make out

    Meet NYC–based photographer and model Ethan Green’s network of friends — forged through chance encounters, shared projects and long dinners — in the first edition of My Crew, a series in which photographers shoot their extended creative family.


    Name: Ser Brandon-Castro Serpas
    Age: 19
    Profession: Student, artist, nodel, social media intern at Milk Studios
    How do you know Ethan: We met over the summer, through my friend Hari.
    What does friendship mean to you? Friendship is a chance to build a family of your own choosing when opportunities to do so with blood kin are limited, unavailable or harmful.
    Who is your BFF? My mama Ana Castro <3
    Who would you like to be friends with more than anyone else? Cathy Horyn
    What do you and your friends like to do together? Witchcraft


    Name: Maya Vik
    Age: Purple
    Profession: Musician
    How do you know Ethan? I met Ethan through his boyfriend. They came to one of my first shows in NYC, and we stayed in touch.
    What does friendship mean to you? Friendship means a judgement-free zone. It means long conversations about nothing. It means everything.
    Who is your BFF? My friend Siri. I call her Super Siri. We grew up together and nobody knows me as well as she does.
    Who would you like to be friends with more than anyone else? Prince
    What do you and your friends like to do together? Since I collaborate with most of my friends, there’s a very fine line between “work” and hanging out. Other than that, normal stuff, and a lot of red wine.

    mayavik.com @mayavik

    Name: Leopoldine Huyghues Despointes
    Age: 23
    Profession: Actress and producer
    How do you know Ethan? We met at Paul’s Baby Grand, a club in New York, and immediately connected!
    What does friendship mean to you? Having people that I consider part of my family. Also, being in a wheelchair, I wouldn’t be where I am today without my friends’ support, without them being my legs on the dancefloor or guiding me in my choices.
    Who is your BFF? I have more than five — I don’t believe in exclusive relationships!
    Who would you like to be friends with more than anyone else? Eduardo from the Black Jaguar White Tiger Foundation in Mexico.
    What do you and your friends like to do together? Eat, watch movies and go out!

    Name: Sara Rabin
    Age: 22
    Profession: Profession! I’m 22!
    How do you know Ethan: Through my boyfriend
    What does friendship mean to you? Laughter, loyalty, sharing cigarettes
    Who is your BFF? I have many good friends, I can’t pick a favorite.
    Who would you like to be friends with more than anyone else? Anne Frank, or Sailor Moon
    What do you and your friends like to do together? Drink. A lot.
    saratonin.net @ssarabin

    Name: Cody Goebl
    Age: 24
    Profession: Artist
    How do you know Ethan: Mutual homies
    What does friendship mean to you? Laughing and respect
    Who is your BFF? Jakey Begin and my girlfriend, Sara Rabin
    Who would you like to be friends with more than anyone else? Carl Andre and Bob Law
    What do you and your friends like to do together? Complain

    Name: Hari Nef
    Age: 22
    Profession: Actress and model
    How do you know Ethan? We met at the club!
    What does friendship mean to you? Friends are the people you text first.
    Who is your BFF? My mom. She rocks! She just launched her own business and I’m so proud of her.
    Who would you like to be friends with more than anyone else? If I told you, it might never happen…
    What do you and your friends like to do together? Turn up, turn down, talk shit, and make out.

    Name: Nitzan Krimsky
    Age: 32
    Profession: Photographer
    How do you know Ethan? Through friends I’ve worked with
    What does friendship mean to you? Giving a person the biggest thing you can give — yourself — through undivided attention, care, listening and sharing.
    Who is your BFF? I have one female, one male: Tricia Kirkland and James Benard.
    Who would you like to be friends with more than anyone else? Pedro Almodóvar
    What do you and your friends like to do together? Organize dinner parties, create together, take walks, and tell each other about our lives, past and present.
    nkrimsky.com @nitzan_krimsky

    Name: Pablo Conejero Lopez
    Age: 34
    Profession: Poet-vocalist
    How do you know Ethan? I met Ethan a few years ago through friends and we became good friends over the past year.
    What does friendship mean to you? A real, honest friendship is a very rare thing. It should always be treasured.
    Who is your BFF? Vincent
    Who would you like to be friends with more than anyone else? Both of my grandfathers, who died before I turned seven. I would have loved to have known them as an adult.
    What do you and your friends like to do together? We gather in the living room, talk, listen to music, watch movies. Sometimes we cook something nice or walk to a cheap diner.

    Name: Vincent Michaud (but everyone calls me Vinny)
    Age: 31
    Profession: Multimedia artist
    How do you know Ethan? We did a couple of shows together as models, and recently we’ve collaborated on portraits. I’m always down to sit for Ethan.
    What does friendship mean to you? I see life like space and us like the stars, lighting up the sky and finding each other. Love and friendship are our physical expressions of this universal nature.
    Who is your BFF? My partner in life and crime, Pablo
    Who would you like to be friends with more than anyone else? Living: Nick Cave, Patti Smith, David Bowie and Art Bell. Dead: Syd Barrett, Jim Morrison, Alan Watts and Merlin.
    What do you and your friends like to do together? On special occasions you might catch us dancing. But usually we just hang out at home, eat, watch movies, and talk.
    vincentmichaud.vision @vinnymichaud

    Name: Amy Cakes
    Age: 23
    Profession: Studio manager at Degen and nightlife fairy
    How do you know Ethan? We met at a party I used to throw. I was wearing a crochet eyeball bra and he took some pictures of me looking insane.
    What does friendship mean to you? Laughter
    Who is your BFF? Ivy. We met freshman year at high school at the end of lunch period. We both had Hello Kitty lunch boxes covered in stickers and filled with candy. She finally moved here a couple of years ago because we couldn’t stand being apart!
    Who would you like to be friends with more than anyone else? James Franco, if you see this, meet me at Veselka on 2nd Avenue and 9th Street.
    What do you and your friends like to do together? Smoke cigarettes and drink tea if it’s winter. Play the dice game Threes and grill if it’s summer.


    Photography Ethan James Green
