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    Now reading: new generation: letty schmiterlow and danny reed


    new generation: letty schmiterlow and danny reed

    The future belongs to the next generation. So stop pining for the legends of the past, and meet the future stars of tomorrow. We called on nine budding young photographers and nine sparkling new stylists, teamed them up and invited them to shoot a…


    Emily wears all clothing Hermès. Photography Letty Schmiterlow. Styling Danny Reed.


    Photography Letty Schmiterlow
    Styling Danny Reed 
    Hair Kota Suizu at Caren using Oribe
    Make-up Liz Daxauer at Caren using Chanel Perfection Lumiere Velvet and S 2014
    Photography assistance Mona Butt
    Models Emily Bostock at IMG. Arran at Select.
    Printed by Touch Digital
    Processed by Labyrinth Photographic
