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    Now reading: Organisers of illegal rona raves could be fined £10,000 under new rules


    Organisers of illegal rona raves could be fined £10,000 under new rules

    Not very oontz oontz oontz.


    In a long hot summer without nightclubs and festivals, it’s perhaps unsurprising (although still worrying and unsafe from a public health perspective) that illegal raves have had a renaissance across the country. But serotonin starved as we may be, attending one may be more trouble than it’s worth.

    Aside from the obvious risk of spreading a deadly disease further through the population, spurring on even longer lockdowns and possibly killing your granny, now new regulations could see the organisers of these illegal rona raves be fined up to £10,000.

    The new rules, announced on Friday as part of the government’s plans to ease lockdown, are part of a concerted crackdown on unlicensed events, with reports that 500 have already taken place this summer alone. Friday’s announcement confirmed that nightclubs and music venues will remain closed as parts of the economy reopen, and that events with crowds of more than 30 people can expect to be hit with the hefty fine.

    Ah, 2020!
