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    Now reading: All the positive coronavirus news stories you probably missed


    All the positive coronavirus news stories you probably missed

    We’ve rounded the most uplifting COVID-19 developments and initiatives from the past week. Because we all need a little bit of a break from the doom and gloom, don’t we?


    Look, we’re not gonna sit here and tell you everything is fine. Yes, we are quite clearly in the middle of a heatwave while still under lockdown. Yes, the Prime Minister has for some perplexing reason decided that it’s okay to go spend your money in Topshop before you can go hug your mum again. Yes, Dominic Cummings did test his eyesight with a 30 minute drive to sunbathe at a castle but no, he will not be resigning over it. Neither the coronavirus epidemic in the UK, nor, unfortunately, the pandemic across the globe, is over just yet. But there are always slivers of hope and optimism in amongst all the drama, doom and gloom. And it’s unfortunate that those moments of cautious optimism tend to get lost amongst all the more depressing news. Luckily for you and your sanity, we’re here to remind you there is good in the world.

    So close Twitter for a second and read this instead. Here are all the good things about coronavirus that you may have missed this week — it just might help you get through the day. Stay safe and stay inside!

    Lots of vaccines are in progressed stages of trials right now
    Scientists have been working tirelessly for the past few months and weeks to try to develop a vaccine that can halt coronavirus in its tracks. And slowly but surely, gains are being made in getting that vaccine to human trials and potentially beyond. This week, leading medical journal The Lancet reported that one of the vaccines being developed was well-tolerated in human trials. The results showed, the researchers say, that the vaccine is safe, and induces a rapid immune response in people who are sick with coronavirus. “These results represent an important milestone,” the report reads.

    You can get cocktails on Deliveroo now
    Bars and pubs, our forgotten meccas, are slowly but surely adjusting to a new normal where we can’t reasonably expect to stand in a crowded beer garden or queue twenty minutes for a pint any time soon. So, rather than tempt thirsty quarantiners to take any risks, more and more establishments are deciding to come directly to us instead. This week Deliveroo, for instance, launched a “cocktails at home initiative”, in collaboration with Bacardi, allowing people to order freshly made daiquiris, negronis and Aperol spritzes right to their front door (but sadly, only if you live in London or Manchester so far). All the joy of the pub without the crushing fear of killing your nan in the process.

    Drugs are being tested around the world to alleviate the virus’ most severe symptoms
    Vaccines are all well and good, but, as our politicians keep reminding us, they might not be available for a long time, and depending on the outcomes of the global trials, there’s still the possibility that they might not be available at all. That kind of chat, while admittedly depressing, should not get you down. Even if we don’t get a fabled vaccine to save us all from coronavirus, scientists are doubling down and getting creative with existing medications to provide answers in the meantime. The options, really, are endless. This week alone, researchers in Israel shared data indicating that two drugs already in existence to treat Gaucher’s Disease can help stop coronavirus infections, while scientists in the UK are beginning to explore the possibility of treating patients with anti-inflammatory steroids like Dexamethasone.

    You can buy this zine to pay tribute to and support NHS workers
    If you were in any doubt of the importance of the NHS to our society, then a new zine from publisher Between Borders, National Treasures, will serve as an important reminder. The 36-page zine is a curation of first-hand accounts, from stories to journal entries and photographs, taken from life on the frontline by NHS workers. Produced to raise both funds and awareness of the important work NHS staff do, National Treasures is a unique archive of experience at an unprecedented point in our history. All profits from the sale of the publication, released yesterday, will be donated to NHS Charities Together. If you’re interested, check it out here.

    The global coronavirus death rate is declining
    Although some countries are further along in stamping down their coronavirus epidemics than others, its heartening to see that globally at least, fighting the good fight by staying at home and staying safe is working. While currently the WHO’s COVID-19 dashboard shows that over five million people across the world have contracted the disease, the data also shows that the death rate is slowly beginning to fall, giving people hope for a healthier and COVID-free future, wherever they are.


    Aries have designed a new capsule collection to support frontline medical workers
    Unable to get your hands on that Sports Banger NHS Nike tee, but still want to show your support for frontline staff? You’re in luck. This week Aries announced an exclusive graphic t-shirt released in support of NHS workers. 100% of the proceeds of all sales of the shirts will be donated to The Care Worker’s Charity, an organisation that provides emergency financial aid to care workers who are self-isolating. They also look pretty great too, so a win-win really.

    And a new study says cannabis might cure coronavirus
    Who are we to argue with science, tbh.
