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    Now reading: the best things to watch, see and do this week in the UK


    the best things to watch, see and do this week in the UK

    Get your indispensable gui-De to leisure action, with our culture highlights of the week.


    Exhibition: LOVE ME
    One thing’s for sure, this world is always in need of a bit more love. Stella Asia Consonni’s new exhibition, opening this week at Protein Studios, is trying to provide us affection-starved human beings with a bit of the love we all need in our lives. Inspired by a viral article — on i-D no less! — Stella’s exhibition celebrates intimacy and love in all its diversity via a series of photographs of couples embracing. Entitled LOVE ME, it’s also accompanied by a short film. This is a one night only kind of deal, and trust us, you don’t want to miss it.
    LOVE ME is showing this Thursday 25 April at Protein Studios in Shoreditch. Doors open at 6pm.


    Fashion: Question Time at the V&A
    It’s been a long time comin’ but finally the eyes of the world are on the fashion industry, demanding more commitment to sustainability as the climate apocalypse looms. With Fashion Question Time, opened to the public for the first time this week, organisation Fashion Revolution are capitalising on that movement and harnessing its power to hold key figures in the industry to the same level of accountability as politicians with a BBC Question Time-esque panel.
    Fashion Question Time takes place Wednesday 24 April at the Victoria and Albert Museum. Tickets are free. Find out more about the event here .


    Reading Material: BRICKS
    In need of some new magazines to flip through? Of course you are, i-D’s Voice of a Generation Issue won’t be on shelves until next week. So why not celebrate BRICKS’ fifth anniversary issue, launching this week. With five special edition covers to celebrate the big bash — including cover stars Brooke Candy, AJA, and cam-girl Lindsay Dye — the theme of the issue is breaking down the stigmas surrounding our bodies and identities. Expect lots of exploration of beauty standards, fatphobia, queer body image, the future of LGBTQ+ education and more. Happy birthday to BRICKS, let’s have a biggie!
    BRICKS celebrates its birthday on Tuesday 23 April at Protein Studios. Find out about the party and issue launch here .

    Film: Stanley Kubrick: The Exhibition
    This week the Design Museum are inviting us all to step inside the mind of iconic filmmaker Stanley Kubrick. Considering how vivid and influential Kubrick’s films and visions of the world are, that’s no small feat. But with a mammoth 700 — 700! — artefacts from Kubrick’s works, as well as films and interviews, the museum has transformed into a space that every sadboi in your Intro to Film class would die for. You can even relive scenes from Kubrick’s best known films, like The Shining, Full Metal Jacket and 2001: A Space Odyssey. Which, provisionally, is an experience I’m very into trying so long as it doesn’t include those creepy little girl twins from The Shining.
    Stanley Kubrick: The Exhibition opens at Design Museum Friday 26 April and runs until September. Find out more and buy tickets here .

    Party Party Party: CommuneEAST’s sustainable futures rave
    If there’s one thing better than a rave it’s a rave for a good cause, right? Right! Well that’s just what CommuneEAST are planning this week, and we’re into it. Billed as an IRL and URL experience, the sustainable futures rave wants people to party, yes, of course, but also to party with the view to figuring out how to create a better tomorrow. The flyer promises nail art, tattoos (we’re thinking probably temporary) and even a clothes swap. “How can you engage, take action and make a difference to this impending climate crisis?” it reads. Well you can probably start by going to this event!
    CommuneEAST’s sustainable futures rave takes place Friday 26 April at the Curtain Hotel. Doors open at 7.30pm. Get your tickets here.
