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    Now reading: 10 things you need to know about dreamy young london singer ama


    10 things you need to know about dreamy young london singer ama

    Take an exclusive first-look at her beautiful L-O-V-E themed music video.


    You might recognise AMA’s face from when she popped up looking like a million dollars in this Supreme feature for i-D’s New Fashion Rebels earlier this year. Not only a model, the 18-year-old Londoner is a musical talent worth getting excited about. Her Courage-produced debut single Monochrome, out now on Dirty Hit Records, is a nostalgic unrequited R&B love letter. “It was basically written instead of sending a really lame text message to a crush I had,” AMA told i-D over email. “I was just romanticising the whole situation in my head and hoping it was mutual.”

    Already obsessed, we’re v happy to be sharing the well-styled accompanying music video, directed by Division Paris. “It’s a celebration of love, and what’s more symbolic of that than a wedding day?” asks AMA. “You feel the whole spectrum of emotions; joy, nerves, excitement.” We join her at home, surrounded by friends and family as she gets ready for the big, albeit low-key, event. It’s aesthetically pleasing to the max. “I can’t say that the video is how I envision my own actual wedding to look like,” she notes. “It’s definitely more an art piece than my fantasy for the future, but who knows, maybe I will be referencing my video when that time comes around!” Diamond encrusted grills and gold teeth in lieu of rings too, we hope.

    Without further ado, get stuck into this charmingly makeshift ceremony and promise to love and honour the music of AMA via these 10 facts.

    1. Ama is from Zone 6 west London
    “I love being able to hop on a train and meet friends who live on the other side of the city to hang out and create. I think the best thing about being from London is how it’s a hub of all different cultures and people; there’s always something interesting going on. I think pretty much anybody could feel at home here. I hate rush hour though. I almost fainted a couple times on my way to college because the tube was so packed.”

    2. Corinne Bailey Rae was her first musical obsession
    “My long-term memory is terrible, but I’ll never forget my sister showing me Corinne Bailey Rae and becoming completely obsessed. I also remember the last day of school before Christmas break in Year 3. Our teacher asked us to bring CDs in to play, so I took in the first two I owned: Feist, The Reminder (who I discovered an iPod advert) and Lemar, The Truth About Love and I remember being embarrassed because the class wasn’t really vibing with my music taste.”

    3. She wrote her first (sassy sounding) song aged nine
    “I wrote it to Lauryn Hill’s Doo Wop instrumental and it was all about how words cannot describe how I feel when people chat lies, and that they are better off saying nothing to me.”

    Still from AMA's Monotone video

    4. Don’t bother asking her what kind of music she makes now
    “It’s a question that I never really enjoy answering. I think labelling things only really limits you, but my auto response is alternative R&B or pop. Ultimately good music is good music. I just want to make music that makes people feel good.”

    5. She turned 18 this year
    “I had a big family gathering at my grandmother’s house with all of my cousins, uncles, aunts, and a big homemade Greek Cypriot buffet. We watched loads of home videos together, looking back on the past 18 years. It was a really special day with great cake.”

    6. Her big sister is an aircraft engineer and super inspiring
    “One thing that inspires me is seeing females kill the game, whether that’s looking up to my big sister, watching Beyoncé’s Coachella set weekly or listening to Rosalia’s album (that I can’t even understand) on repeat because it’s just straight fire. Another thing that really inspires me right now is acknowledging how blessed I am to have the freedom to wake up, do whatever and create whatever I want.”

    Still from AMAs Monotone 2

    7. She’s always learning, this one
    “This year I have started teaching myself bass guitar.”

    8. AMA has never actually participated in a Reddit AMA.
    “But I may or may not frequently check the Frank Ocean reddit.”

    9. AMA has big dreams and no back up plan
    “I just want to be able to create freely, travel, perform, have my music reach as many people as possible and positively impact them… and to buy my own crib! I don’t even want to think about a back up plan. I’d rather just do everything in my power to make my dreams a reality because I know that it’s the only thing I want to do.”

    10. And she’s full of good advice
    “The best advice I have received is to always challenge myself and think about how things can evolve, grow and develop.”
