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    Now reading: 10 fresh faces sound off on gender and sexuality


    10 fresh faces sound off on gender and sexuality

    What's the biggest gender stereotype we need to overcome? We ask the girls, boys, girls who look like boys and boys who look like girls what needs to change in 2015.


    Myla Dalbesio, 28

    What do you do? Model and actor.

    Where are you from? Wisconsin.

    What gender do you identify with? Very female – WOMAN WOMAN WOMAN.

    What do you like most about your gender? The strength and power we hold. Our inescapable tie to nature.

    What do you like most about the opposite sex? Dick.

    When did you first become aware of your sexuality? Very young, maybe kindergarten? I have always been very in tune with my sexuality. I feel that I draw a lot of power from it. It took me a while to understand how to control that power though.

    What is the biggest gender stereotype we need to overcome and why? That things like gender and sexuality are black and white, one thing or the other. Instead we exist on a spectrum of varying shades of grey.

    Barbara Ferreira

    What do you do? Model and make some hats.

    Where are you from? NYC.

    Facebook now has over 70 genders, what gender do you identify with? Female.

    When did you first become aware of your gender? When I started dressing up as Snow White aged three.

    What do you like most about the opposite sex? Not much.

    When did you first become aware of your sexuality? As a kid when I had posters of Rupert Grint on my wall.

    What is the biggest gender stereotype we need to overcome and why? That certain genders have certain genitals and that it is not a fluid thing.

    Who are your idols and why? Rihanna because she is the bad bitch I wanna channel.

    Jordan Barrett

    What do you like most about your gender? The ability to piss whilst standing up… and no hair and make-up.

    What do you like most about the opposite sex? Everything.

    What is the biggest gender stereotype we need to overcome and why? I don’t think gender stereotypes affect me at all, or at least not like they would have in past generations.

    Lida Fox

    Where are you from? Everywhere, but originally South Carolina.

    What do you do? Model, dance, be crazy, some photography and music.

    What gender do you identify with? Female.

    When did you first become aware of your sexuality? I think it’s still developing. I’m straight but I do have girl crushes. The love I have for my girlfriends is different from what I have for boys, but I have kissed most of my closest girlfriends.

    What is the biggest gender stereotype we need to overcome and why? The world is becoming more open to neutral genders, which I think is great.

    Who are your idols and why? Sid Vicious because he was a badass, had great style and was sexy as hell.

    Michael Bailey-Gates

    Where are you from? New England.

    What do you do? Artist, model, try new things.

    What gender do you identify with? I don’t know and I’m ok with that.

    When did you first become aware of your gender? Gender is confusing. I’m still young, I’m constantly changing. Gender is like watching your clothes spin at the laundromat, whooshing around.

    What do you like about the opposite sex? I find people who know their bodies really well, and how they work, really attractive.

    When did you first become aware of your sexuality? I fell in love with so many people whilst I was a kid in school. Every day I was in love with a different boy or girl. Sometime around then, I became aware of sexuality.

    What is the biggest gender stereotype we need to overcome? I’m so happy to be alive in 2015. Stereotypes are being challenged every day. Shine the spotlight on trans people. Be quiet, and listen. Be respectful. Get rid of whatever stereotype you have of genders by listening.

    Nico-Lou Monheim Carrasquillo

    Where are you from? Lower East Side, New York City.

    What do you do? I’m about to start my first year as a student at London College of Communication.

    Facebook now has over 70 genders, what gender do you identify with? To be honest I just had to Google them in order to answer this question with confidence. Under their options, I identify as a cis-female, but I’m not sure how I feel about all of these labels yet.

    What do you like most about your gender? I like that there’s still a lot to work towards for all genders, and I’m excited to be part of that right now.

    When did you first become aware of your sexuality? I pretty much identify as being straight but I’ve slept with girls and boys so I guess not. I’m just generally bored of taking on all these labels, because for me it feels unnecessary.

    Aamito Lagum

    Where are you from? Well, in Uganda, when someone asks “where are you from?” it refers to where your parents are from, your origin. So in that sense, I am from a small village called Dure. However, I grew up in Kampala, Uganda.

    What do you do? I help translate a designer’s vision into physical form by bringing clothing to life. That’s how I view my job as a fashion model.

    What do you like most about the opposite sex? Men are unlike us. It is that simple.

    When did you first become aware of your sexuality? I remember watching The Lion King and being drawn to Mufasa’s well-cut mane, the crisp depth of his voice, and the strength he exuded.

    What is the biggest gender stereotype we need to overcome and why? Alpha male syndrome. In the US, the culture seems to be more progressive but in Uganda there is always a stigma of being a woman.

    Erika Linder

    Where are you from? Stockholm, Sweden.

    What do you do? Model/actor.

    Facebook now has over 70 genders, what gender do you identify with? I shoot as both a girl and a guy, but at the end of the day I’m a girl and I’m very comfortable with that.

    When did you first become aware of your sexuality? When I was young I became aware of it but wasn’t sure about it until I was 20!

    What is the biggest gender stereotype we need to overcome and why? I speak for myself when I say that things are not always what they seem. Don’t judge people by their looks.

    Who are your idols and why? River Phoenix because of the way he saw the world.

    Harry Brant

    What do you do? Model.

    Where are you from? NYC.

    What do you like most about your gender? To generalize, I think men tend to be direct and upfront which I appreciate, we can also pee standing up, which is fabulous.

    What do you like most about the opposite sex? For me, the female form itself is the pinnacle of beauty, it never ceases to captivate and inspire me.

    What is the biggest gender stereotype we need to overcome and why? That there is a “correct” way to behave within the boundaries of your own gender. Not only does it hinder self-expression but in reality, blurred gender roles are something that humans have always found fascinating.

    Susannah Liguori

    Where are you from? Los Angeles.

    What do you do? Art major at NYU, and model.

    What gender do you identify with? Not a girl, not yet a woman!

    What do you like most about your gender? The responsibility to empower not only women but all genders and sexual identities.

    When did you first become aware of your sexuality? I grew up much faster than most girls my age, so from a young age I became aware of a male gaze.

    What is the biggest gender stereotype we need to overcome? In the art world, I find people see a “pretty young female artist” as someone who should make art confined to the aesthetics of their beauty, rather than the concept behind the artwork itself.

    Who are your idols? My mother is the strongest warrior woman fairy mermaid gladiator that I have ever met. She is earth.


    Photography Matt Jones
    Models Aamito Lagum at DNA. Erika Linder, Lida Fox and Myla Dalbesio at Next New York. Barbara Ferreira at Wilhemina. Michael Bailey Gates at Ford. Harry Brant at The Lions. Jordan Barrett at IMG. Susannah Liguori. Nico-Lou Monhelm Carrasquillo. Special thanks to Milk Studios and Jack Studios New York.
