Originally from The Hague, Damaris Goddrie was street scouted so frequently, she decided to take the plunge into the world of modeling. Since then she’s signed to Viva and DNA, but it was only when J.W. Anderson casted her for his pre-fall 15 lookbook and fall/winter 15 show that her modeling career took off. Damaris is doing it all with a huge smile on her face and a good sense of Dutch down-to-earthness – short hair, don’t care! This girl is going places, remember the name!
1. Casting agencies were lining up to sign her…
“I was scouted a few times by different agencies. It was only when I was scouted three times by the same agency that I decided to take modeling a seriously.”
2. During her very first season she walked for Simone Rocha and Fendi, but she finds it impossible to name a favorite…
“When it’s your very first season, everything is a highlight.”
3. If she had all the money in the world, this designer would fill her wardrobe…
“Vivienne Westwood!”
4. If she weren’t modeling, this is what she would be doing…
“Painting and intensively playing computer games.”
5. The best piece of advice she’s ever been given is…
“Don’t be too hard on yourself.”
6. The most mind-bendingly beautiful place her job has taken her to is…
“A very small town just outside of Paris, surrounded by an array of forests and fields of yellow flowers.”
7. The most rebellious thing she has ever done…
“Staying away from home for a week without permission. Never again!”
8. The world is beautiful according to Damaris….
“Beauty is within everything, it’s just a matter of perspective.”
9. She’s enjoying every aspect of modeling…
“Getting to explore the many cities casting and bookings take me to is the best part about this job.”
10. Her dreams for the future are particularly zen…
“My ideal future is set in a house north of Japan, secluded from the big cities and close to nature. Passing the time while reading books, writing, drawing and painting.”
Text Channa Brunt
Photography Alasdair McLellan
Styling Marie Chaix
Hair Duffy at Streeters London for Vidal Sassoon
Make-up Frankie Boyd at Tim Howard Management
Nail technician Tracylee at Tim Howard Management
Photography assistance Lex Kembery, James Robjant, Matthew Healy
Styling assistance Florie Vitse, Sergio Mejia, Emmanuel Sénat, Lauren Chung
Hair assistance Cameron Rains, Ryan Mitchel
Production Pony projects
Retouching Output Ltd
Model Damaris Goddrie at DNA