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    Now reading: 10 things you need to know about richard quinn


    10 things you need to know about richard quinn

    Meet the young designer and winner of the H&M Design Award 2017, he’s one to watch.


    To Peckham, where Central Saint Martins grad Richard Quinn has launched his eponymous label and accompanying print studio (he’s currently busy ordering all the new printing equipment). Growing up in south east London, in Eltham to be precise, Richard would spend his days dreaming up different worlds to inhabit.

    His interest in the fantastical work of Tim Burton and Tim Walker, and his desire to make his dreamt up worlds real, swiftly led him onto a course in fashion and set design. Bold, unafraid and visually arresting (think houndstooth and PVC gimp masks teamed with floral Dior-esque New Look coats and dresses) it wasn’t long before his garments caught the industry’s attention. Specifically high street giant H&M who cherry-picked Richard as the winner of their 2017 Design Award, which entails a €50,000 cash prize, one-year’s mentorship from H&M, and the chance to develop pieces from the winning collection to be sold in selected H&M stores in Autumn 2017. So, without further ado, here are 10 things you need to know about him.

    1. For Richard, fashion was always a means of escapism…
    “I loved escapist films like the work of Tim Burton and imagery of Tim Walker. This really led to studying the garments and set design and realising I wanted to create my own world. Fashion was the most natural way for me to do this.”

    2. The first fashion moment that really struck a chord was…
    “Watching Kate Moss on the Big Breakfast.

    3. He finds inspiration within different worlds…
    “The idea of creating your own world, be it a mood or a statement really appeals to me. Galliano, 80s Mugler, Gaultier in the 80s and 90s… they had real showmanship as well as beautifully crafted ideas that are still cutting edge today in my opinion.”

    4. When it comes to the world of Richard Quinn, it’s all about…
    “Being bold and unafraid. Beautifully crafted garments ethically made in London.”

    5. The best and worst advice he’s ever received are somewhat similar…
    “You’ll get over it.”

    6. If he wasn’t doing this interview right now, he’d rather be…
    “At Glastonbury with family and friends.”

    7. Who would play you in the movie of your life?
    “Tom Hardy”

    8. Friends would describe him as…
    “Impulsive and funny.”

    9. If he could change one thing in the world, it would be…
    “For people just to get on, chill on the hate and just be happy. Less time singling out minorities and realise we are more alike than different.”

    10. He’s got some pretty big dreams for the future…
    “Be Happy.”


    Text Tish Weinstock
    Image via Instagram
