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    Now reading: A new documentary claims Tupac is alive and living in New Mexico


    A new documentary claims Tupac is alive and living in New Mexico

    The legendary rapper faked his own death and was smuggled out of the state onto Navajo tribal land, filmmaker claims. Sounds legit.


    If there’s one thing the film industry is sorely lacking at the moment it’s films about mad conspiracy theories. Honestly, keep your Pandemics and your Don’t F**k With Cats, spare us your Parasites and your Jokers, all anyone truly wants is a conspiratorial deep dive into a celebrity death. And who better to do that with than Tupac?

    Despite widespread and (almost!) universally accepted claims that the rapper passed away more than twenty years ago, a new documentary from Las Vegas filmmaker Rick Boss thinks otherwise. In fact, his upcoming film explores one of the most popular Tupac conspiracy theories — that the musician did not get shot on September 13 1996, and that he actually faked his own death and is now happily hanging out in New Mexico.

    Tentatively titled 2Pac: The Great Escape From UMC, the film makes some truly wild allegations. It theorises that the rapper, with the knowledge that a hit has been put out on him, strategically places a body double in Suge Knight’s car, before smuggling himself to New Mexico on a private helicopter.

    While not much is known about the project so far, its director has been quick to assure people it is a presentation of fact, rather than any kind of conspiracy. “You can write a fiction story, but this is not fiction,” Rick told KTNV of the film, expected to be completed by 2021. “This is facts through certain people I know.”

    He went on to explain: “This movie is about Tupac actually escaping from University Medical Center here in Vegas and relocating to New Mexico [and] getting protection from the Navajo tribe. When certain FBI agencies are looking for you, they are going to block the airport. So you can’t travel out so the best way to escape is through helicopter, private helicopter to another state.”

    Watch the full interview here:
