Charmed, the beloved series centred around three magical sisters, is being rebooted by the CW. The network has commissioned a one-hour pilot script from Jane the Virgin executive producer Jennie Snyder Urman, though some fans are disappointed they aren’t getting a reunion.
The new project will have very little to do with the original series, with CW president Mark Pedowitz describing it as a “a self-contained, self-sustained show” during a press tour with the Television Critics Association. “There is the power of three element in there, but at this time, it is a very standalone show.”
If the pilot gets the green light, the rebooted Charmed will be set in the 1970s, making it a very loose prequel to the original series. Set on the opposite side of the country, in New England not San Fransisco, the three leading ladies — Annie, Tina and Paige — won’t be blood-related. Instead, they’ll be brought together to fight evil in their town.
On an exciting note, TV Line report that Tina will be played by a black actress — a welcome change from the all-white cast of the original series.
Mark Pedowitz is open to cameos from some of the original stars, who’ve all offered the reboot varying degrees of support. Rose McGowan tweeted a picture of the original four leading ladies captioned “irreplaceable.” Alyssa Milano thanked the show’s fans, writing “You’re the best of the best,” while Holly Marie Combs simply said “we wish them well.” Watch this space.
Photography courtesy the CW